Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Font variable
  • Number of characters
  • Multiline edit control
  • Control with input mask
  • Limits
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Stored procedures
The Size property is used to determine and change the size of an element.
This property can be used to find out and modify:
  • the size (in picas) of a Font variable.
    Remark: the font name must correspond to one of the fonts installed on the current computer. The font size is set to 12 by default.
  • the maximum number of characters found in:
    • a window control (edit control, table column or editable combo box)
    • a page control (edit control)
    • a Static control in a report.
      Remark: The maximum number of characters found in a control is defined in the "General" tab of the control description.
  • the maximum size of a text item (character string, text memo, character) defined in the data model editor or through programming.
  • the maximum size of a Time item defined in the data model editor or through programming.
This property can also be used to find out:
  • the number of columns in a Table control.
// Define the maximum number of characters found in the "DelivAddress" item
DelivAddress.Size = 50
// Define the maximum number of characters found in the "DelivTime" item
DelivTime.Size = 6 // HHMMSS format
// Validate the data file description
// Modify the maximum number of characters found in the "EDT_Name" control
EDT_Name.Size = 25
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// Define the characteristics of a Font variable
Font1 is Font
Font1.Name = "Arial"
Font1.Color = LightYellow
Font1.Size = 14
Font1.SizeUnit = unitPoint
Font1.Orientation = 45
// Apply the font to "MyControl"
MyControl.Font = Font1

Finding out the size of a Font variable, the maximum number of characters found in a control Hide the details

<Result> = <Element to handle>.Size
<Result>: entier
  • Size (in picas) of the specified font.
  • Maximum number of characters found in the specified control or 0 if the specified control has no limit.
  • Number of table columns if the specified control is a table.
<Element to handle>: Optional Font variable or name of control
  • Name of the Font variable to be used.
  • Name of the control to be used

Modifying the size of a Font variable, the maximum number of characters found in a control Hide the details

<Element to handle>.Size = <New size>
<Element to handle>: Optional Font variable or name of control
  • Name of the Font variable to be used.
  • Name of the control to be used.
<New size>: entier
  • New size (in picas) for the specified font.
  • Maximum number of characters found in the specified control or 0 if the specified control has no limit.
Remark: The number of columns found in a Table control cannot be modified.

Finding out the size of an item Hide the details

<Result> = <Data file>.<Item>.Size
<Result>: entier
  • Maximum number of characters supported by the specified item,
  • 0 for the memos.
<Data file>: Character string
Name of the data file used. This name was defined in the data model editor or with the File Description type.
<Item>: Character string
Name of the item used. This name was defined in the data model editor or with the Item Description type.
If this item is a text item, number of characters in the item.
If this item is a time item, the number of characters is used to identify the item format:
Number of characters
in the Time item
Format of Time item
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Defining the size (number of characters) of an item described programmatically Hide the details

<Item>.Size = <Number of characters>
<Item>: Character string
Name of the item used. This name is defined with the Item Description type.
If this item is a text item, number of characters in the item.
If this item is a time item, the number of characters is used to identify the item format:
Number of characters in the Time itemFormat of Time item
<Number of characters>: entier
New maximum number of characters supported by the specified item.
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Font variable

A font can be created from a Font variable.
To define the font characteristics, use:
This font can be used:
AndroidAndroid Widget This font can only be used in the controls of a window (Font property).

Number of characters

If the maximum number of characters that was specified is less than the number of characters currently found in the control:
  • The content of the control is not modified on the screen.
  • The value of the control includes all the characters displayed in the control.

Multiline edit control

If the maximum number of characters allowed in a multiline edit control is changed with the Size property, you will be able to assign a text containing more characters than the number that was defined. For example:
// "EDT_Address" is a multiline edit control
EDT_Address.Size = 5
EDT_Address = "ABCDEFGHI" 
// "EDT_Address" contains "ABCDEFGHI"

Control with input mask

The Size property must not be used to change the maximum number of characters in controls with an input mask. Indeed, the maximum number of characters found in the control depends on the input mask defined for this control.


In HFSQL data files, the Size property applies only to text and time items.
In a report, the Size property can only be used on Static controls.
Android The Size property can be used on the columns of a Table control, but not on a Table control.
iPhone/iPad The Size property is available Table controls and on the columns of Table controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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