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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Chart title
  • Initializing fonts
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Stored procedures
Modifies the font used for the titles of the chart axes.
Example of titles for the axes:
Title of axes
// Modify the font used for
// the title of axes in "CHART_MyChart".
MyFont is Font
MyFont.Name = "Arial"
MyFont.Size = 12
MyFont.Bold = True
grAxisTitleFont(CHART_MyChart, MyFont)

Defining the font used for the title of the chart axes Hide the details

grAxisTitleFont(<Chart name> , <Font used>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window, page or report editor.
<Font used>: Font
Font to use. This parameter corresponds to a variable of type Font. The font characteristics have been defined with FontCreate or via the font properties.

Defining the font used for the title of the chart axes (syntax kept for backward compatibility) Hide the details

grAxisTitleFont(<Chart name> , <Font identifier>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window, page or report editor.
<Font identifier>: Integer
Font identifier, defined by grCreateFont. A WLanguage error occurs if this font does not exist.

Chart title

The title of chart axes can be displayed for the different axes.
Title of axes
The content of the title for the chart axes is defined by grAxisTitle. This function can also be used to set the position of the title.
The font used for the chart title can be modified by grAxisTitleFont.

Initializing fonts

The default font used for the title of the axes has the following characteristics:
  • Font name: Arial,
  • Size: 14,
  • Style: Normal,
  • Color: Black.
When grCreate is used, the default font is used for the axis titles.
Related Examples:
The Chart functions Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Chart functions
[ + ] This example presents the main features of the chart designer of WEBDEV and it allows you to:
- Create a chart: Pie, Column or Line
- Define the display area of a chart
- Define the options of the chart (legend, percentage, ...)
The Chart functions Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chart functions
[ + ] Using the Chart functions:
- create a Pie, Column or Line chart by programming
- define the chart options (legend, percentage, ...)
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 01/16/2025

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