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  • Drag and Drop
  • Drag-and-drop operations managed automatically or set programmatically
  • Limitations
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Drag and Drop

Some controls of WINDEV and WEBDEV can manage drag-and-drop operations automatically: simply check the corresponding option in the "Details" tab of the control description. A control can be defined as source or target of a drag-and-drop operation.
Drag-and-drop operations are automatically available:
  • WINDEV for Edit, List Box, ListView and TreeView controls.
    The automatic Drag and Drop mode is also available for tokens in a "Text token" Edit control.
  • WEBDEV - Server code for Upload, Static, Button, Link, Image, formatted text, List Box and Combo Box controls.
In a drag-and-drop operations set programmatically, the DndSource and DndTarget properties are used to define the source and target controls.
The DndTarget property determines and changes how a control behaves in a drag-and-drop operation. The control will be defined as the drop target, i.e., the control where the dragged items will be dropped.
// -- Initialize the LIST_Source list
// LIST_Source is not a target
LIST_Source.DndTarget = dndInactive

// -- Initialize the LIST_Target list
LIST_Target.DndTarget = dndProgram
DnDEvent("Drop", "LIST_Target", dndDrop)
DnDEvent("DragOver", "LIST_Target", dndDragOver)

Getting the behavior of a target control in a drag-and-drop operation Hide the details

<Drag and Drop> = <Control used>.DndTarget
<Drag and Drop>: Constant
Identifies the behavior of the target control in a drag-and-drop operation.
dndAutoDrag-and-drop operations are handled automatically.
dndInactiveThe control does not accept drag-and-drop operations.
dndProgramThe developer sets the drag-and-drop operation programmatically.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.

Changing the behavior of a target control in a drag-and-drop operation Hide the details

<Control used>.DndTarget = <Drag and Drop>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.
<Drag and Drop>: Constant
Identifies the behavior of the target control in a drag-and-drop operation.
dndAutoDrag-and-drop operations are handled automatically.
dndInactiveThe control does not accept drag-and-drop operations.
dndProgramThe developer sets the drag-and-drop operation programmatically.

Drag-and-drop operations managed automatically or set programmatically

WINDEVJava Automatic drag-and-drop operations are available for Edit, List Box, ListView, TreeView and Table controls.
The automatic Drag and Drop mode is also available for tokens in a "Text token" Edit control.
Drag-and-drop operations can be set programmatically for the following controls:
  • Edit control
  • List Box and ListView control
  • TreeView control
  • Table control
  • Image control
  • Bar Code control
  • Button control
  • Looper control
  • Chart control
  • TreeView Table control
  • Calendar control
  • Organizer control
  • Scheduler control
Java Only automatic drag-and-drop operations are available.
WEBDEV - Server code Automatic drag-and-drop operations are available for the following controls:
  • Upload control,
  • Static control,
  • Button control,
  • Link control,
  • Image control,
  • Formatted display control,
  • Edit control,
  • List Box control,
  • Combo Box control.
You can also programmatically set drag-and-drop operations on cells, supercontrols and control templates.


WINDEV The DndTarget property can only be used with the following controls:
  • Edit control,
  • Button control,
  • Check Box control,
  • Radio Button control,
  • Tab control,
  • List Box or ListView control,
  • Combo Box control,
  • Table or TreeView Table control,
  • TreeView control,
  • Looper control,
  • Image control,
  • Spin control,
  • Slider control,
  • Scrollbar control,
  • Chart control,
  • Calendar control,
  • Range Slider control,
  • Organizer control,
  • Scheduler control,
  • .NET 2.0 control (WinForm)
  • Rating control.
Java The DndTarget property can only be used on Edit, List Box and TreeView controls.
WEBDEV - Server code The DndTarget property can only be used with the following controls:
  • Edit control,
  • Button control,
  • Upload control,
  • Static control,
  • Link control,
  • Image control,
  • Static control with formatted text,
  • List Box control,
  • Combo Box control,
  • Organizer control,
  • Scheduler control,
  • Cell control,
  • Supercontrol,
  • Control template.
  • Rich Text Area control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/12/2024

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