| |
iAddAttachment | Adds an attachment in a PDF file generated by a PDF print export. |
iAddBookmark | Adds a bookmark in the report viewer or when exporting to PDF. |
iAreaHeight | Calculates the height of a fixed-width area required to print the entire text that uses the current font. |
iBorder | Prints a border at specified coordinates. |
iChangeSubReportSource | Modifies through programming the report associated with a sub-report in a composite report. |
iCloseReport | Stops printing the current report immediately. |
iColumnEnd | Forces a column break in a multi-column report. |
iColumnNum | Returns the number of the current column in a multi-column report. |
iConfigure | Configures the printer for a print performed in WLanguage:- by opening the configuration window.
- by modifying the printer used for the current print.
iConfigureReport | Configures the printer by opening the configuration window (WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile). |
iCreateFont | Creates a new print font. |
iCurrentFile | Returns the name of the file currently generated. |
iDestination | Configures the print destination. |
iDidotFont | Selects the unit to be used for font height (created with function iCreateFont): DIDOT point or PICA point. |
iDirImageHTML | Used to select the directory in which the images must be generated during a print in HTML format. |
iDocumentCanceled | Used to find out whether the current print was canceled by the user. |
iDocumentPrinted | Determines whether the user printed the document from the report viewer. |
iEllipse | Prints an ellipse (in a rectangle). |
iEndPrinting | Signals the end of the document to print and actually starts printing the data stored in the printer spooler via the following functions: iPrint, iPrintImage, iNewLine, etc. |
iEndReport | Forces the report print to stop. |
iEscape | Sends an ESCAPE command or a data command to a printer. |
iFont | Selects the default font. |
iForceComplement | Forces the printing of a Body Complement block. |
iGroupAdd | Adds a report to a group of reports. |
iGroupConfigure | Modifies the parameters of a report found in a group of reports. |
iGroupPrint | Starts printing a report found in a group of reports. |
iHLine | Prints a horizontal line at specified coordinates. |
iHPos | iHPos is kept for backward compatibility. |
iImageHeight | Calculates the height of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iImageWidth | Calculates the width of the image to print (in millimeters). |
iInfoPrinter | Retrieves the characteristics of the current or default printer. |
iInitInternalReport | Initializes the parameters of an internal report used by a report. |
iInitReportQuery | Initializes the query linked to the report (for a query with parameters). |
iInitReportQueryConnection | Initializes the query linked to the report. |
| Initializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report. |
iInitSubReport | Initializes the parameters of a subreport of a composite report. |
iLastFile | Returns: - the full name of the last file generated during the print (PDF, RTF, text, ...).
- the list of created duplicate files.
iLine | Prints a line at specified coordinates. |
iLink | Adds a link to a URL address into the HTML page currently printed. |
iListNestedReports | Returns: - the list of nested reports currently printed (reports run by iPrintReport in one of the processes of the report currently printed).
- the list of sequenced reports currently printed (iSequenceAdd).
iListPrinter | Returns the list of printers installed on the current computer. |
iMargin | Defines the "logical" print margins. |
iMMToPica | Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in millimeters) into system coordinates. |
iNestedHeaderFooter | Prints (or not) the page headers and footers of nested report. |
iNewLine | Prints a line (in Windows standard, with a rounded end) at specified coordinates. |
iPageEnd | Forces the move to the next page during the report print. |
iPageHeight | Calculates the height of printable page (in millimeters) while taking the top or bottom margins into account. |
iPageHeightLeft | Calculates the available height (in millimeters) left on the current page while taking into account the defined margins (top or bottom). |
iPageNum | Returns or initializes the number of the page currently printed. |
iPageWidth | Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the printable page while taking the left or right margins into account. |
iParameter | Retrieves the printer configuration and configures the print. |
iParameterDuplicate | Configures the automatic creation of the duplicate copy generated during the next print. |
iParameterExport | Allows you to configure the exports performed from the report viewer: - parameters for sending emails.
- parameters for creating the different files.
iParameterPDF | Defines the options for the generated PDF file. |
iParameterPreview | Configures the print preview:- display a message regarding the resources of current computer.
- display or hide the ribbon tabs and buttons.
- the export options available in the mini preview window.
iParameterReport | Configures the printer by opening the configuration window. |
iParameterViewer | Configures the report viewer. |
iParameterWatermark | Adds a watermark into a report (report created in the report editor or printed report). |
iParameterXLS | Defines the options for the XLS file generated during the print. |
iPicaToMM | Converts the coordinates of a point (expressed in system coordinates) into millimeters. |
iPreview | Configures the print destination. |
iPrint | Sends the character string passed as parameter to the print buffer. |
iPrintArea | Prints a text in a rectangular area. |
iPrintAreaHTML | Pritns a text in HTML format in a rectangular area. |
iPrintAreaMarkdown | Prints Markdown text in a rectangular area. |
iPrintAreaRTF | Prints rich text format (RTF) in a rectangular area. |
iPrintBarCode | Prints a bar code (inside a rectangle). |
iPrintBlock | Forces a report block to print. |
iPrintBodyComplement | Forces a body complement block to print while specifying the height of complement block. |
iPrintDiagram | Prints a diagram from: - a Diagram Editor control,
- a "wddiag" file,
- a Diagram variable.
iPrintDoc | Prints a document in "docx" format. |
iPrintDuplicate | Prints a duplicate copy of a report. |
iPrintImage | Sends the image file to print to the print buffer. |
iPrintingNation | Modifies the current language for the next print (programmed print or report print). |
iPrintPDF | Prints the content: - of a PDF file.
- of a buffer containing a PDF.
- of a PDF Reader control.
iPrintReport | Prints a report created with the report editor. |
iPrintSignature | Prints an image of the signature in a rectangular area. |
iPrintWord | Sends the character string passed in parameter to the print buffer. |
iPrintXLS | Prints the current worksheet of a document in "xlsx" or "xls" format. |
iReportPrintingStatus | Returns the status of the current print. |
iReset | Reinitializes the print settings (margins, font, paper format, orientation, ...) stored in the print library. |
iResetNbPages | Reinitializes the current number of pages, used in the preset controls such as "Number of pages" and "Page number and number of pages". |
iRoundBorder | Prints a border with rounded outlines at specified coordinates. |
iSelectFont | Creates a new print font from the standard Windows font selection window... |
iSequencingAdd | Adds a report into a sequence of report prints. |
iSequencingAddDiagram | Adds a Diagram document into a sequence of report printouts. |
iSequencingAddDoc | Adds a print of Word Processing document into a sequence of report prints. |
iSequencingAddPDF | Adds a print of PDF document into a sequence of report prints. |
iSequencingAddXLS | Adds an XLS or XLSX document into a sequence of report print jobs. |
iSequencingPrint | Prints a sequence of reports. |
iSetAdditionalXMP | Adds XMP tags to the metadata of the generated PDF file. |
iSkipLine | Forces one or more line break. |
iSkipPage | Forces a page skip: the corresponding code is sent to the printer spooler. |
iSubstBlock | Substitutes one block of the report with another block while the report is printed. |
iTextHeight | Calculates the height of the font for the text to print (in millimeters). |
iTextWidth | Calculates the width (in millimeters) of the text to print, according to the specified font. |
iTransparentMagenta | Modifies the management mode of Magenta color in order for this color to be considered as being transparent (or not) in all the forthcoming prints. |
iVLine | Prints a vertical line at specified coordinates. |
iVPos | iVPos is kept for backward compatibility. |
iWindowCancel | Configures the print cancel window.. |
iXPos | Used to manage the horizontal position (X-coordinate) of print cursor in the page. |
iYPos | Used to manage the vertical position (Y-coordinate) of print cursor in the page. |