Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Printing the header and footer of nested report:
  • Tip
  • Change of orientation
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Stored procedures
iNestedHeaderFooter (Function)
In french: iHautBasPageImbriqué
Prints (or not) the page headers and footers of nested report.
This function can be used:
  • in the opening code of the main report: it will be taken into account by all the nested reports that will be printed from the main report.
  • before printing the nested report: it will be taken into account by the following nested report.
Linux Caution: A specific configuration is required to use this function in Linux. For more details, see Printing in Linux.
// Print the "RPT_Nest2" while report keeping its page header and footer
iNestedHeaderFooter(<Header and footer of nested Report>)
<Header and footer of nested Report>: Boolean
  • False (default value) if the main report must be printed while sharing its page header and footer with the nested report. The page header and footer of the nested report will not be printed.
  • True if the page header and the page footer of the nested report must be printed.

Printing the header and footer of nested report:

Case #1: the nested report is printed on a single page:
Case #2: The nested report is printed on several pages


When using iNestedHeaderFooter with the True parameter, we recommend that you use iPageEnd before iPrintReport. This allows you to print two reports, one after another, in the same preview window.

Change of orientation

This function has no effect if a nested report and the main report do not have the same orientation: the page header and page footer blocks will not be shared.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300etat.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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