- Window alias
- Tab pane name
- Object type
- Connection name
- Limitations
Name (Property) In french: Nom
Not available with this kind of connection
The Name property is used to get: - the name of the font associated with a variable of type Font.
Note: The font name must match one of the fonts installed on the current workstation. - the name of a control, report or report block.
- the name of a control, group of controls or window.
- the name of a control, group of controls or page.
The Name property is used to get the real name of a control generated in the page, i.e. the control alias. This property can only be used on the following types of controls: edit control, List Box, Combo Box, Check Box, Radio Button and Button.
The Name property is used to change the name of the font associated with a Font variable. The Name property can also be used to handle the names of different HFSQL objects. You can: - Find out the name of a connection.
- Find out the name of an object handled by indirection:
- data file defined in the data model editor or programmatically,
- view,
- query previously executed with HExecuteQuery,
- item defined in the data model editor or through programming,
- link defined in the data model editor or programmatically.
- Define the name of the described element:
- when a file is described through programming,
- when an item is described through programming,
- when a link is described through programming,
- when a full-text index is described through programming.
PROCEDURE MakeVisible(Control)
IF {Control}..Name = "CustomerName" THEN
{Control}..Visible = True
Finding out the name of specified element Hide the details
<Result> = <Element used>.Name
<Result>: Character string Name of specified element. <Element used>: Character string Name of the element to be used.
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