Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Word Processing control
  • Overview of the Word Processing control
  • Creating a Word Processing control
  • Characteristics of Word Processing control
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Overview of the Word Processing control
The Word processing control is an advanced control that allows the end user to create and edit documents in docx format directly on a WINDEV application. There are many advantages: time saving, consistent interface, no other software to install/drive/manage.
This control allows you to:
  • Open, create, modify and save "docx" files,
  • Convert docx files to PDF or to HTML to send emails,
  • Manage images and tables,
  • Manage text areas,
  • Save documents in HFSQL databases,
  • Use a spelling checker,
  • Print documents, etc.
This control features a menu that includes the most common actions. This menu can be displayed:
Several keyboard shortcuts are also available:
Ctrl + ASelects the entire text. Ctrl + CCopies the selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + FStarts the search.Ctrl + BMakes the selection bold
Ctrl + HStarts find/replaceCtrl + IItalicizes the selection
Ctrl + S Saves the documentCtrl + USwitches the selection to underlined
Ctrl + VPastes the content of the clipboard. Ctrl + XCust the selection and places it in the clipboard.
Ctrl + YRedoes the last action. Ctrl + ZUndoes the last action.
Ctrl + mouse wheelChanges the zoom.Ctrl + 0Sets zoom at 100%
Ctrl + homeMoves to the beginning of the document.Ctrl + EndMoves to the end of the document.
Page UpDisplays the previous page.Page DownDisplays the next page.
Creating a Word Processing control
To create a Word Processing control:
  1. On the "Creation" tab, in the "Graphic controls" group, expand "Office" and click "Word processing".
  2. Click at the desired location to create the control.
Remark: The dimensions of the control are optimized to take up the available space at the specified position. If the control size does not suit you, press Ctrl + Z: the control size will be reset to default.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
Characteristics of Word Processing control
The "General" tab in the description window of the Word Processing control proposes the following options:
  • Initial document: Used to indicate the initial document displayed in the Word Processing control.
  • Edit options:
    • Toolbar: You can choose whether or not to display toolbar in the a Word Processing control. The available options are:
      • None: The control will not display a toolbar.
      • Ribbon: The edit options of the control are grouped together in a ribbon.
      • Mini toolbar: The edit options of the control are grouped together in a mini toolbar.
    • Ribbon source IW / Mini toolbar source IW: This parameter determines if a ribbon or mini toolbar should be customized. The available options are:
      • "None": the default ribbon (or mini toolbar) will be used.
      • "Preset window": the default ribbon (or mini toolbar) can be customized.
        To do so, select "Customize". In this case, an internal window is automatically added to your project, in the WDAAF internal component. This internal window can be modified as required. This window contains all the code required to manage the Word Processing control. It is recommended to check for UI errors and make sure the window works properly after any change is made.
        If you use the ribbon , the "IW_WINDEVAAF_WPRibbon" window is added.
        If you use the mini toolbar, the "IW_WINDEVAAF_WPBar" window is added.
      • Project internal window: If your project contains internal windows, you can use one of these windows to include a specific ribbon or mini toolbar.
        Any internal window of your project can be used to create this bar.
    You can also apply the project skin template.
  • Allow change of document (Open, New, etc.): Adapts the ribbon to allow the user to handle external documents. This option is used to display the "New", "Open" and "Save" buttons of ribbon. If this option is checked, the document opening and backup must be performed by the application.
    Remark: This option is ignored if the ribbon is entirely customized (with an internal window of application for example).
  • Limit the edit to simplify the HTML export: Adapts the ribbon and the display of document to only display the options taken into account by the HTML export. If this option is checked:
    • the following options are not available:
      • Management of headers and footers,
      • Management of page layout,
      • Management of page breaks.
    • the document is forced to be displayed in "Display for the Web" mode.
  • Other settings:
    • Enable [Check spelling] by default: Specifies whether the spelling checker should be enabled. For more details, see Check spelling based on Hunspell dictionaries.
    • Automatically detect and format links: Enables automatic detection of links (http) present in the document displayed in the control. In this case, links are detected during input, after pressing Space, Tab or Enter. If these links are valid, they can be opened with Ctrl + Click.
      Remark: This option is checked by default.
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
Video Word
21 Jul. 2018

Last update: 07/05/2024

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