Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Radio Button control
  • Overview
  • Initializing the choice of a Radio Button control
  • Displaying a Radio Button control with no default option
  • Retrieving the option selected in a Radio Button control
  • Case of a Radio Button control that returns an integer
  • For a Radio Button control that returns a value
  • Pre-filled SWITCH on the Radio Button controls
  • Modifying the caption of a Radio Button control
  • Case of Radio Button controls with sub-captions
  • Changing the colors of captions for the options in a Radio Button control
  • Properties specific to Radio Button controls
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to programmatically manipulate Radio Button controls. To do so, use the variable of Radio Button control in the code.
Regardless of the type of picker, each option can be associated with:
  • an integer. This integer can take a value from 1 to N, N being the total number of options found in the radio button. The first option is the option #1, the second option is the option #2, ... The options are numbered from top to bottom and left to right.
  • WINDEV a specific returned value . This returned value is specified in the "Content" tab of the control description window.
WINDEV Using the numbering or the returned values?
The method for programming the radio buttons that return an integer differs from the method for programming the radio buttons that return a value. The benefit of using returned values is visible when inserting or moving an option in the radio button:
  • If the radio button returns an integer, inserting or moving an option in the radio button forces you to revise the entire code for managing the value of the radio button (to manage the change in the numbers).
  • If the radio button returns a specific value, inserting an option into the radio button only requires to take the new option into account. Moving an option requires no modification.
WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPad Remark: Several WLanguage functions can be used to add, insert or delete options in a Radio Button control.. For more details, see Radio Button control functions.
Initializing the choice of a Radio Button control
By default, the first option is selected when a Radio Button control is displayed.
To check an option of a Radio Button control:
  • if the Radio Button control returns an integer, use the following syntax:
    <Radio Button control> = <Option index>
  • if the Radio Button control returns a specific value (in WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile only), use the following syntax:
    <Radio Button control> = <Option value>
The selection of an option unchecks the option that is currently selected.
Remark: If the field is associated with an item in a data file, assignment is automatically performed using:
For more details, see Binding a Radio Button control to an item.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeAndroidiPhone/iPadJava

Displaying a Radio Button control with no default option

A Radio Button control is always positioned on a position (1 by default).
To display a Radio Button control with no default option, all you have to do is assign the initial control value to:
  • -1 for a Radio Button control that returns an integer,
  • "" (empty string) for a Radio Button control that returns a value.
Remark: By default, a Radio Button control with no default value is inaccessible via TAB.
// Display the Radio Button control without initial value
RADIO_MyRadioButton = -1
// or RADIO_MyRadioButton = ""
Retrieving the option selected in a Radio Button control

Case of a Radio Button control that returns an integer

To get the index of the selected option in the Radio Button control, use the following syntax:
<Option index> = <Radio Button control>

In this case, <Option index> is an integer that corresponds to the number of the selected option.
To find out the caption of the option selected in the Radio Button control, use the following syntax:
<Option caption> = <Radio Button control>[Radio Button control].Caption

Note: If the field is associated with an item in a data file, the value entered is automatically retrieved using:
For more details, see Linking a Radio Button control to an item.

For a Radio Button control that returns a value

To retrieve the value of the option selected in the Radio Button control, use the following syntax:
<Option value> = <Radio Button control>

In this case, the <Option value> parameter is a character string corresponding to the returned value of the selected option.
Remark: The ReturnedValue property can also be used to find out and modify the value returned by each Radio Button control option.
To get the index of the selected option, a specific process must be performed. Example:
// Value returned by the selected option
Result1 = RADIO_TodaysDish
// Find the index of selected option
Index is int
I is int
FOR I = 1 _TO_ RADIO_TodaysDish.Count
IF RADIO_TodaysDish[I].ReturnedValue = Result1 THEN Index = I
To find out the caption of the option selected in the Radio Button control, use the following syntax:
<Option caption> = <Radio Button control>[Option index].Caption
Note: If the field is associated with an item in a data file, the value entered is automatically retrieved using:
For more details, see Linking a Radio Button control to an item.

Pre-filled SWITCH on the Radio Button controls

When typing the SWITCH statement relative to a Radio Button control, the code editor automatically adds the CASE corresponding to the different options of the Radio Button control. The caption of each option is automatically added in line comment.
For example:
  • Code for a picker field returning an integer: entering "SELON SEL_Civilité" in the code editor displays:
    Code for a Radio Button control that returns an integer
  • Code for a picker field returning a value: entering "SELON SEL_PlatDuJour" in the code editor displays:
    Code for a Radio Button control that returns a value
Modifying the caption of a Radio Button control
The Caption property allows you to:
  • change the caption of the Radio Button control:
    <Name of Radio Button control>.Caption = <Caption>
  • change the caption of all options found in the Radio Button control:
    The options must be separated by the TAB character.
    You can specify the first options only.
    <Radio Button control>.Caption = <Option 1>+TAB+<Option 2>+TAB+<Option 3> ...
  • retrieve and modify the caption of an option:
    // Get the sub-caption
    <Sub-caption> = <Radio Button control>[<Option index>].SubCaption

    // Modify the sub-caption
    <Radio Button control>[<Option index>].SubCaption = <New sub-caption>

Case of Radio Button controls with sub-captions

The SubCaption property gets and sets the sub-captions of options in a Radio Button control.
// Get the sub-caption
<Sub-caption> = <Radio Button control>[<Option index>].SubCaption

// Modify the sub-caption
<Radio Button control>[<Option index>].SubCaption = <New sub-caption>
Changing the colors of captions for the options in a Radio Button control
WINDEVJava To modify the colors of captions for the options found in a Radio Button control, you have the ability to use the following syntax:
<Radio Button control>.Caption = gPen(<Color of option 1>) + ...
<Caption of option 1> + TAB + ...
gPen(<Color of option N>) + <Caption of option N>
<Color of option> corresponds to:
Properties specific to Radio Button controls
The following properties are used to programmatically manage the characteristics of a Radio Button control.
BackgroundColorUsed to find out and modify the background color of the Radio Button control.
ColorUsed to find out and modify the color of the text for the options found in the Radio Button control.
CountUsed to find out the number of options in a Radio Button control.
HorizontalAlignmentUsed to find out and modify the horizontal alignment of a control.
InitialValueUsed to find out the initial value of a Radio Button control.
NumberColumnUsed to find out the number of columns in a Radio Button control.
ReturnedValueEnables you to find out and modify the value returned by an option in a Radio Button control.
SubCaptionUsed to find out and modify the sub-caption of an option found in a Radio Button control.
VerticalAlignmentUsed to find out and modify the vertical alignment of a control.

For a complete list of WLanguage properties that can be used with Radio Button controls, see Radio Button control properties.
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 06/07/2022

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