- Operating mode of spelling checker in a Word Processing control
DictionaryLoad (Function) In french: DictionnaireCharge Indicates and loads the dictionary corresponding to a given language. Remarks: - The dictionary must be a spelling dictionary in Hunspell format.
- The French and English/American dictionaries are loaded by default.
- In this version, these dictionaries are used:
- by the Word Processing control.
- by the edit control.
- by the Text columns of Table controls.
// Load the French dictionary DictionaryLoad("Dictionary_fr.dic", languageFrench, 0) DictionaryLoad("Dictionary_fr.dic", "fr-fr") // Load the French Canadian dictionary DictionaryLoad("Dictionary_fr.dic", "fr-ca") DictionaryLoad("Dictionary_fr-ca.dic", languageFrench, 3) // 3 corresponds to the sub-language of Canada
Loading a dictionary and associating it with a language via a constant Hide the details
<Result> = DictionaryLoad(<Dictionary> , <Language> [, <Sub-language>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the dictionary was loaded,
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Dictionary>: Character string Path of dictionary file to load (".dic" file). A ".aff" file with the same name must be found at the same location. These files must correspond to Hunspell dictionary files. <Language>: Integer constant Language for which the dictionary will be used: | | languageAfrikaans | Afrikaans | languageAlbanian | Albanian | languageArabic | Arabic | languageArmenian | Armenian | languageBelarusian | Belorussian | languageBengali | Bengali | languageBulgarian | Bulgarian | languageCatalan | Catalan | languageChinese | Chinese | languageCroatian | Croatian | languageCzech | Czech | languageDanish | Danish | languageDutch | Dutch | languageEnglish | English | languageEstonian | Estonian | languageFinnish | Finnish | languageFrench | French | languageGeorgian | Georgian | languageGerman | German | languageGreek | Greek | languageHebrew | Hebrew | languageHindi | Hindi | languageHungarian | Hungarian | languageIcelandic | Icelandic | languageIndonesian | Indonesian | languageItalian | Italian | languageJapanese | Japanese | languageKorean | Korean | languageLatvian | Latvian | languageLithuanian | Lithuanian | languageMacedonian | Macedonian | languageNorwegian | Norwegian | languagePolish | Polish | languagePortuguese | Portuguese | languagePunjabi | Punjabi | languageRomanian | Romanian | languageRussian | Russian | languageSerbian | Serbian | languageSindhi | Sindhi | languageSlovak | Slovakian | languageSlovenian | Slovenian | languageSpanish | Spanish | languageSwedish | Swedish | languageThai | Thai | languageTurkish | Turkish | languageUkrainian | Ukrainian | languageUzbek | Uzbek | languageVietnamese | Vietnamese |
<Sub-language>: Optional integer Sub-language for which the dictionary is defined. For more details, see Correspondence between languages, sub-languages, character sets and nations. If this parameter is not specified, the default sub-language associated with the language is used..
Loading a dictionary and associating it with a language (via the language name) Hide the details
<Result> = DictionaryLoad(<Dictionary> , <Language>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the dictionary was loaded,
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Dictionary>: Character string Path of dictionary file to load (".dic" file). A ".aff" file with the same name must be found at the same location. These files must correspond to Hunspell dictionary files. <Language>: Character string Language and sub-language for which the dictionary is to be used (example: "fr-fr"). Remarks Operating mode of spelling checker in a Word Processing control - A docx document contains information about the document language. This information is used to identify the dictionary language that will be used.
- If the dictionary corresponding to the document language is placed beside the executable, it is automatically loaded and used to correct the document. If the dictionary corresponding to the document language is not found, the spell check is not available.
- When creating a docx document via the Word Processing control, the document language corresponds to the current application language (defined by Nation for example).
- The CheckSpell property is used to enable or disable the spelling checker in a Word Processing control.
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