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Stored procedures
The RulerModifiable property is used to:
  • Find out whether the user can move the playhead in a TimeLine control.
  • Allow or prevent the user from moving the playhead in a TimeLine control .
Reminder: The ruler of a TimeLine control corresponds to a "bold" vertical line that allows you to view a given moment in the field.. The style of the playhead can be defined in the "Style" tab of the TimeLine control ("Selected time").
// Clic sur le bouton BTN_Modifier
TL_TimeLine.RégletteModifiable = True

// A chaque modification du champ TimeLine
// (Code exécuté à chaque modification de la réglette par l'utilisateur)
// Affiche la position sélectionnée dans le champ Libellé
LIB_PositionRéglette = TL_TimeLine.RégletteValeur

Finding out whether the user can move the playhead Hide the details

<Result> = <TimeLine control>.RulerModifiable
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the playhead can be moved by the user,
  • False otherwise.
<TimeLine control>: Control name
Name of TimeLine control used.

Allowing or preventing the user from moving the playhead Hide the details

<TimeLine control>.RulerModifiable = <Modifiable or not>
<TimeLine control>: Control name
Name of TimeLine control used.
<Modifiable or not>: Boolean
  • True to allow the user to move the playhead,
  • False otherwise.
  • The ruler can be modified by the user:
    • if the "Movable playhead" option is checked in the description window of the TimeLine control.
    • if the RulerModifiable property is set to True.
  • The default position of the playhead corresponds to the value of the StartTotalRange property.
  • The end user can change the value of the playhead by moving it with the mouse. This action triggers the "Whenever modifying" event of the TimeLine control.
  • The new position of the playhead is returned by the RulerValue property.
Minimum version required
  • Version 18
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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