RulerValue (Property) In french: RégletteValeur
The RulerValue property is used to get or change the position of the playhead in a TimeLine control. Reminder: The ruler of a TimeLine control corresponds to a "bold" vertical line that allows you to view a given moment in the field.. The style of the playhead can be defined in the "Style" tab of the TimeLine control ("Selected time"). TimelineDeleteAll(TL_Automates)
Evt is EventTimeline
TimelineAddTrack(TL_Automates, "Automate 1")
Evt.Track = "Automate 1"
Evt.Title = "Démarrage"
Evt.Start = 10
Evt.End = 150
Evt.BackgroundColor = LightGreen
TimelineAddEvent(TL_Automates, Evt)
Evt.Track = "Automate 1"
Evt.Title = "Traitement spécial"
Evt.Start = 150
Evt.End = 450
Evt.BackgroundColor = PastelBlue
TimelineAddEvent(TL_Automates, Evt)
TL_Automates.RégletteVisible = True
TL_Automates.RégletteValeur = 300
LIB_RégletteTimeLine = TL_Automates.RégletteValeur
Finding out the value of the playhead Hide the details
<Result> = <TimeLine control>.RulerValue
<Result>: Integer Current position of the playhead. The unit used is identical to the one used for displaying the TimeLine control (second, millisecond of microsecond). <TimeLine control>: Control name Name of the TimeLine control to be used.
Modifying the value of the playhead Hide the details
<TimeLine control>.RulerValue = <New position>
<TimeLine control>: Control name Name of the TimeLine control to be used. <New position>: Integer New position of the playhead. The unit used is identical to the one used for displaying the TimeLine control (second, millisecond of microsecond). This value must be between the values of the StartTotalRange and EndTotalRange properties, otherwise the playhead will be invisible. Remarks - The ruler can be modified by the user:
- if the "Movable playhead" option is checked in the description window of the TimeLine control.
- if the RulerModifiable property is set to True.
- The end user can change the value of the playhead by moving it with the mouse. This action triggers the "Whenever modifying" event of the TimeLine control.
- The default position of the playhead corresponds to the value of the StartTotalRange property.
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