- Limitations
- List Box control based on a data file
- Last element
- Miscellaneous
<List Box>.Count (Function) In french: <Liste>.Occurrence Returns the number of elements in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control. Remark: <List Box>.Count can be used on: - List Box controls based on a data file or populated programmatically,
- single-selection or multi-selection List Box controls.
// Number of elements found in the "LIST_CustomerList" control ResNumberElements = LIST_CustomerList.Count()
<Result> = <List Box control>.Count()
<Result>: Integer Number of elements (rows) found in the specified control. <List Box control>: Control name Name of the List Box or Combo Box control to be used. Remarks Limitations If the specified List Box or Combo Box control is linked to a data file that contains more than 2,147,483,647 records, the returned value is truncated to this value. Last element To position on the last element of List Box control, use the following syntax:
<List Box control>.SelectPlus(<List Box control>.Count) or <List Box control> = <List Box control>.Count or
<List Box control> = <List Box control>.Count() Miscellaneous - To find out the number of rows in a Table control, use <Table>.Count.
- <List Box>.Count can be used on a "Combo Box" table column.
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