Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / List Box functions
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Stored procedures
Refreshes a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control based on a data file. List Box, ListView or Combo Box controls populated programmatically are automatically refreshed
WINDEVWINDEV Mobile This refresh operation can be performed from a given position.
Remark: <List Box>.Display can be used on single-selection and multi-selection List Boxes.
// Refresh the "LOOP_ProductLooper" control
WINDEVReports and QueriesUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidJavaUser code (UMC)
// Refresh "LOOP_ProductLooper" from the beginning of the List Box control
<List Box control>.Display([<Position>])
<List Box control>: Control name
Name of the List Box, ListView or Combo Box control based on a data file to be refreshed.
<Position>: Integer or constant (optional)
Indicates the start position for the refresh. This parameter can correspond to:
  • an integer. The refresh is performed from this position. The selected element is not modified. <List Box>.Display has no effect if this parameter is invalid.
  • a constant:
    • Refreshes the List Box control from the current record in the data file.
    • The first row of the List Box control is selected. This row corresponds to the current record of the control.
    • Refreshes the List Box control from the position of the selection bar.
    • The position of selection bar is not modified.
    PHP This constant is not available.
    • Runs the initialization events of the List Box control (initializing and end of initialization events).
    • Fills the List Box control.
    • The first row of the List Box control is selected. This row corresponds to the first record displayed in the control.
    taNoUpdEditCbIf the control is an editable Combo Box control, the edit control associated with the Combo Box control is not modified according to the new content of the list.
    If this constant is not used, the edit control associated with the Combo Box is modified by default.
    This constant can be combined with the other constants.
    Universal Windows 10 AppPHP This constant is not available.
    • Re-runs the query (for the List Box controls on embedded queries only).
    • Refreshes the List Box control and sets the selection bar at the beginning of the list.
    • The first row of the List Box control is selected. This row corresponds to the first record displayed in the control.
    • Refreshes the List Box control and sets the selection bar at the beginning of the list.
    • The first row of the List Box control is selected. This row corresponds to the first record displayed in the control.
WEBDEV - Server code This parameter is not available.


  • To refresh the Table controls, use <Table>.Display.
  • <List Box>.Display can be used on a "Combo Box" table column.
WINDEVNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Native SQLServer Connector

If <List Box>.Display handles a List Box control linked to a data file accessed by the Native SQLServer Connector, we recommend that you use the taCurrentFirst and taStart constants.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 06/19/2023

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