Version: 2024

Category: Map functions
73 results
Adds a new image to the map displayed in a Map control.
Adds an itinerary onto a Map control.
Adds a new marker onto a map displayed in a Map control.
Adds a new shape (polygon, line, circle) to the map displayed in a Map control.
Changes the style of the map displayed in the Map control.
Closes the popup of a marker displayed in the Map control.
Deletes the following from a Map control:
  • all markers,
  • all shapes,
  • all images.
Deletes an image drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Deletes an itinerary from a Map control.
Deletes a marker from a map displayed by a Map control.
Deletes a shape drawn on the map displayed in an Map control.
Moves the map displayed in the Map control so that the specified geographic area can be seen in its entirety.
Opens the popup of a marker displayed in a Map control.
Centers the map displayed in a Map control on a geographical position or on a specific location.
Stops following the device movement in a Map control.
Runs the native code of Google Maps API in a Map control in JavaScript.
Displays the current location of the device in a Map control and updates the location as it moves.
Retrieves the image of a map displayed in a Map control. The markers and the itineraries displayed on this map will also be found in the image.
Returns the instance of the API of Map control.
Returns the geographical position of the point located in the center of the map currently displayed in a Map control.
Returns the style used by the map displayed in the Map control.
Returns the coordinates (in pixels) of the point corresponding to a geographical position (latitude and longitude).
Returns the geographical position (latitude and longitude) corresponding to a point in a Map control.
Calculates the distance of an itinerary in a Map control.
Limits the geographic area displayed in the Map control.
Modifies an image drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Modifies a marker displayed in a Map control.
Modifies a shape drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Indicates whether the popup of a marker in a Map control is displayed.
The Address type is used to manipulate the address of a place or person.
Constants for managing Map controls
The following functions are used to manage Map controls via prefix syntax
Map control functions
Adds a new image to the map displayed in a Map control.
Adds an itinerary onto a Map control.
Usage example of the MapAddMarker function
Adds a new marker onto a map displayed in a Map control.
Adds a new shape (polygon, line, circle) to the map displayed in a Map control.
Changes the style of the map displayed in the Map control.
The MapCircle type is used to define the characteristics of a circle to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Closes the popup of a marker displayed in the Map control.
Declares additional parameters for the Map control that will be transmitted to the Google API.
Deletes the following from a Map control:
  • all markers,
  • all shapes,
  • all images.
Deletes an image drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Deletes an itinerary from a Map control.
Deletes a marker from a map displayed by a Map control.
Deletes a shape drawn on the map displayed in an Map control.
Moves the map displayed in the Map control so that the specified geographic area can be seen in its entirety.
Opens the popup of a marker displayed in a Map control.
Usage example of the MapDisplayPosition function
Centers the map displayed in a Map control on a geographical position or on a specific location.
Stops following the device movement in a Map control.
Runs the native code of Google Maps API in a Map control in JavaScript.
Displays the current location of the device in a Map control and updates the location as it moves.
Retrieves the image of a map displayed in a Map control. The markers and the itineraries displayed on this map will also be found in the image.
Returns the instance of the API of Map control.
Returns the geographical position of the point located in the center of the map currently displayed in a Map control.
Returns the style used by the map displayed in the Map control.
The MapImage type is used to define the characteristics of an image to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Returns the coordinates (in pixels) of the point corresponding to a geographical position (latitude and longitude).
Returns the geographical position (latitude and longitude) corresponding to a point in a Map control.
Calculates the distance of an itinerary in a Map control.
Indicates the "Bing map" license key that will be used in the Map controls used in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
Indicates the "Google Maps API" license key that will be used in the Map controls (of WINDEV or WEBDEV).
Limits the geographic area displayed in the Map control.
Modifies an image drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Modifies a marker displayed in a Map control.
Modifies a shape drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
The MapPolygon type is used to define the characteristics of a polygon to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
The MapPolyline type is used to define the characteristics of a line composed of several segments to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Indicates whether the popup of a marker in a Map control is displayed.
The Marker type is used to define the characteristics of a marker that must be positioned on a map displayed in a Map control.
The MarkerImage type is used to customize the image associated with a marker or a marker cluster displayed in a Map control.