Version: SaaS

Category: Code editor
39 results
The automatic completion helps you write WLanguage code in your applications...
The programming of timers, threads and delayed procedures is now automatically managed by the environment...
From version 22, WEBDEV proposes a new WLanguage framework for the browser code...
The code editor proposes several tools used to correct the code...
The following mechanism allows developers to write WLanguage code more easily in the code editor ...
The code editor proposes several display options...
The code editor is the editor where the developers spend most of their time. This help page presents a series of useful options for the most common actions ...
The code history is used to...
When typing compound statements ("Switch", "For" and "While", for example), the code is automatically indented to highlight the structure of the loops used in the program...
The code editor allows you to enter "Code snippets"...
The code statistics affect...
A code style is used to automatically prefix the name of all the variables and project elements (windows, report controls, classes, etc.
The code is collapsed to improve readability, by only displaying the comments in front of the lines of code...
The code editor allows you to enter a specific code for each environment (WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile)...
The cross-references in the code editor are used to identify...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow the use of event-driven and object-oriented programming...
The glossary lists all the abbreviations used in the code editor...
The impact analysis immediately identifies the consequences of the latest changes...
From version 23, you have the ability to import existing classes or sets of procedures in text format...
You want to include your code lines in a condition, in a structure, ...
The modified lines of code are immediately visible...
WLanguage's AI-powered assistant generates code suggestions as you type...
The minimap is an option that allows you to quickly navigate the code editor...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile have included multilingual project support in many previous versions...
The different editors enable you to directly view the code of an element by pressing the F2 key...
A series of options allows you to customize and take full advantage of the code editor...
The positioning marks are used to "tag" specific lines of code...
When coding, developers often need to do a quick search in the current code
By default, a single code window is opened per ...
The reverse code modeling allows you to view in a graph...
WEBDEV allows you to create static pages and dynamic pages...
All WLanguage code is written in the code editor, which offers several events on a given control ...
During the development cycle of an application, the code that is specific to the interface (UI) and the code that is specific to the business logic (access to databases, etc.) are often "mixed"
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include a series of AI-based features...
When developing a multilingual application, you can translate the different messages displayed to the user (messages displayed by Info and YesNo, for example.
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to automatically translate your WLanguage code from English into French and vice versa...
The integrated WINDEV language, WLanguage, is powerful, simple and intuitive...
The code editor includes a coloring system for the different elements in WLanguage code.