Version: SaaS

Category: Table control
24 results
The user can filter the content of a Table control by displaying the records corresponding to a condition for example...
The Table controls displayed in a window allow the end user to perform several operations...
In Table, TreeView Table and Looper controls, the user can resize the height of rows, in read-only or in edit...
A break in a Table control is used to group the data corresponding to one or more arguments...
Table controls allow you to display and/or enter data...
Table controls allow you to display and/or enter data...
A Table control (populated programmatically, based on a data file or based on a variable) can include Combo Box columns...
A Table control (populated programmatically, based on a data file or based on a variable) can include Combo Box columns...
A Table control can be based on a data file, based on a variable or populated programmatically...
WINDEV applications automatically include a context menu for Table controls, TreeView Table controls and their columns...
In a Table control, you have the ability to customize the following elements...
The colors of a Table control (row background, text of rows, etc.) are defined in the control description...
List of events associated with Table controls
Several properties can be used with the breaks found in a Table control...
6 documents
1 document
3 documents
You can manipulate Table controls in a window or page using the following WLanguage properties...
The Table controls can be 100% AJAX...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to use...
The Table control is used to simplify the display and the input of information stored in memory or coming from a data file, a view or a query...
The Table control is available for Android and iOS applications...