| |
Keyword | Description |
ANSI_NULLS | Specifies the behavior, compatible with ISO, of the Equal to (=) and Different from (< >) operators when they are used with Null values. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to FALSE on the server.
- 1: Forces the parameter to TRUE on the server.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
ANSI_PADDING | Checks the mode for storing in the column the values whose length is less than the size defined for the column and the values containing space characters on the right for the char, varchar, binary and varbinary data. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
ANSI_WARNINGS | Specifies whether the behavior in accordance with the ISO standard must be respected for several error conditions. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
ARITHABORT | Stops a query when a capacity overflow or a division by zero occurs during its execution. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
CHARSET | Defines the charset during the call to dbsetlname.
Client Flag | For more details, see the documentation about MySQL (keyword = 'mysql_real_connect').
CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL | Defines whether the concatenation results are considered as being null values or empty strings. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
Crypte | Encrypted connection. If this keyword is set to "YES", the communication between the database client and the server will be encrypted. |
DTS | Used to specify whether the distributed transactions must be used or not.- If "DTS = 0", the management of distributed transactions is disabled.
- If "DTS = 1" (default value), the management of distributed transactions is enabled.
File name | Name of the UDL file used to establish a connection via OLE DB. To create a UDL file: - Create a text file whose extension is "UDL".
- Double-click this file. The window for the properties of the data links is opened.
- Configure the connection.
- Run the test of the connection.
- Confirm ("OK" button). The UDL file can now be used.
Remark: This method is not recommended. Indeed, the OLE DB access uses the connection information to avoid the limitations set by some providers. |
Initial Catalog | Name of database that will be used on the data source. |
MODELOCK | Allows you to specify the type of lock used in the SQLxxx functions. |
NLS_DATE_FORMAT | If this keyword is specified, the Native Connector runs the following query when opening the connection:ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = format This format does not concern the consultation of Oracle columns by WLanguage but the date conversions performed by the Oracle engine itself. For example, when running a query containing TO_CHAR of a date. |
NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT | Specifies the level of gravity for the error when a rounding operation performed in an expression triggers a loss of precision. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
OLDDATEFORMAT | Modifies the return format of the date values in the SQLxxx functions in order to be compatible with the format of the Native Connectors of WINDEV 5.5. The possible values are as follows: - 0: (default value) Date format supported by HFSQL.
- 1: Format of dates compatible with the Native Connectors of WINDEV 5.5.
This keyword is supported by:- SQL Server (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.CCC)
- Oracle (DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS)
PREFETCHMEMORY | Size of the memory in bytes (corresponds to the OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_MEMORY parameter of OCI_HTYPE_STMT). The default value is 10485760 (=10 MB). |
PREFETCHROW | Number of rows in the prefetch (corresponds to the OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS parameter of OCI_HTYPE_STMT). The possible values are as follows: - 0: Disables the management of prefetch,
- Default value: 1000.
QUOTED_IDENTIFIER | Forces SQL Server to follow the ISO rules regarding the quotes that delimit the identifiers and the literal strings. The identifiers between double quotes can be reserved Transact-SQL keywords or they can contain characters not allowed in the conventions of Transact-SQL syntax regarding the identifiers. The possible values are as follows: - 0: Forces the parameter to OFF.
- 1: Forces the parameter to ON.
- Not specified: Uses the current configuration of the server.
Server Port | Server port. See the documentation about MySQL (keyword = 'mysql_real_connect') for more details. |
SSL CA | Name (and path) of certification authority file. |
SSL CAPath | Name (and path) of directory that contains the SSL CA certificate in PEM format. |
SSL Cert | Name (and path) of certificate file. |
SSL Cipher | List of "ciphers" allowed during the SSL encryption.
SSL CRL | List of revoked certificates (CRL = Certificate Revocation List).
SSL Key | Name (and path) of the key file. |
SSL Mode | SSL connection mode:- allow: Try a non-SSL connection then a SSL connection in case of failure.
- disable: Disable the SSL on the connection.
- prefer (default mode): Try a SSL connection then a non-SSL connection in case of failure.
- require: Force the SSL on the connection. If the certificate file of certification authority is supplied, check the server certificate.
- verify-ca: Force the SSL on the connection and check the server certificate.
- verify-full: Force the SSL on the connection and check whether the server name corresponds to the certificate.
TRANS_NO_NEW_SESSION | Management of new sessions when starting a transaction. If this keyword is set to 1, no new session will be created when starting a transaction. This option allows you to use the temporary tables created per session. This option can also impact the use of nested transactions. |
Trusted_Connection | Log in with NT authentication. If this keyword is set to "YES", the Windows user who runs the process to initiate the connection will be used to log in to the database Example: "Trusted_Connection=YES" |
Unix Socket | See the documentation about MySQL (keyword = 'mysql_real_connect') for more details. |
UNUSEDPROCESSES | Maximum number of unused processes (3 by default) stored in cache in a WLanguage connection on SQL Server. In the Native SQL Server and Sybase Connectors, unused processes (and their connections) are stored in a cache in order to speed up the execution of a new query Reminder: Creating a process and its connection is a long operation. |
USECOUNT | Keyword specific to the SQLxxx functions. The possible values are as follows: - 0: (default value): the result of the query is browsed for counting.
- 1: Uses a query of query (SELECT COUNT FROM ...) to count the number of records in the queries run by the SQLxxx functions
WD Cache Size | Size of the cache for retrieving the records returned by a query.For the Native MySQL Connector and the Native PostgreSQL Connector, it is used to specify the cache size in the optional information of the connection. If this parameter is specified, the setting defined by CtCacheSize is ignored. For the Native SQL Server Connector (via OLE DB and ODBC), defines the number of records that must be read at once by a server cursor. This value is set to 100 by default. The possible values are as follows: - -2: Default value of the Native Connector or client library (100 in most cases).
- -1: All the records are placed in the cache.
This keyword is supported by:- Native Sybase, SQL Server (via OLE DB and ODBC) and PostgreSQL Connectors.
WD CLIENT LIBRARY | Specifies the DLL of the client library that must be used for the Native Progress Connector. Example: "WD CLIENT LIBRARY= C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\OpenEdge\bin\pgoe1023.dll" If this keyword is used, the content of the WDPRGS.INI file is ignored. |
WD CLIENT VERSION | Specifies the version number of the client library to be used. This keyword is supported by: - Native SQL Server Connectors via OLE DB: The possible values are as follows:
- 2000: Uses the SQLOLEDB client library (provided with SQL Server 2005).
- 2005: Uses the SQLnCli client library (provided with SQL Server 2005).
- 2008: Uses the SQLnCli10 client library (provided with SQL Server 2008).
- 2012: Forces the use of the SQLnCli12 client library (provided with SQL Server 2012).
- 2017: Forces the use of the msoledbsql client library.
- 2019: Forces the use of the msoledbsql client library in version 19.
- Native SQL Server Connectors via ODBC: The possible values are as follows:
- 2000: Uses the SQLOLEDB client library (provided with SQL Server 2005).
- 2005: Uses the SQLnCli client library (provided with SQL Server 2005).
- 2008: Uses the SQLnCli10 client library (provided with SQL Server 2008).
- 2012: Forces the use of the SQLnCli12 client library (provided with SQL Server 2012).
- msodbcsql11: Forces the use of the msodbcsql client library in version 11.
- msodbcsql13: Forces the use of the msodbcsql client library in version 13.
- msodbcsql17: Forces the use of the msodbcsql client library in version 17.
- msodbcsql18: Forces the use of the msodbcsql client library in version 18.
- Oracle: The possible values are as follows:
- 7: Forces the use of the Oracle 7 client library (ociw32.dll).
- 8: Uses the Oracle 8 (and later) client library (oci.dll).
WD Command Timeout | Defines the maximum timeout (in seconds) for running a command (command timeout). The possible values are as follows: - -1: Default value of the client library (30 seconds in most cases).
- 0: No timeout. In this case, there is an endless wait (caution: the application may be locked).
- value greater than 0: Timeout value in seconds.
This keyword is supported by:- Native Sybase, SQL Server (via OLE DB or ODBC) and PostgreSQL Connectors.
WD Connection Timeout | Defines the maximum timeout (in seconds) for establishing the connection (connection timeout). The possible values are as follows: - -1: Default value of the client library (30 seconds in most cases).
- 0: No timeout (infinite wait).
- value greater than 0: Timeout value in seconds.
This keyword is supported by:- Native Sybase, SQL Server (via OLE DB or ODBC) and PostgreSQL Connectors.
WD Cursor Location | In most cases, the default cursor is the fastest. It corresponds to the "default result set" of the SQL Server documentation. You have the ability to specify specific cursors:- "WD Cursor Location = CLIENT" allows you to request the use of a client cursor for all the browse operations performed on this connection.
- "WD Cursor Location = SERVER" allows you to request the use of a server cursor for all the browse operations performed on this connection. The type of the server cursors used is FAST_FORWARD. See the documentation about SQL Server for more details.
This type of cursor can be used to:- Limit the resources reserved on the server during the browse operations.
- Limit the number of connections opened by the Native Connector to manage the multiple browses in parallel.
Caution:- In most cases, the browses performed with the server cursors are slower than the browses performed in default mode.
- The server cursors may not be compatible with some types of queries.
- The performances are affected by the size of the cache.
Remark: The server cursors are automatically used when a connection is in transaction. This keyword is supported by: - Native SQL Server Connector (via OLE DB or ODBC).
WD Lock Timeout | Defines the maximum timeout (in seconds) for implementing a lock (lock timeout). The possible values are as follows: - -2: Immediate response (uses NOWAIT on Oracle).
- -1: Default value (30 seconds in most cases).
- 0: No timeout (infinite wait).
- value greater than 0: Timeout value in seconds.
WD RECORD LOCK | Used to specify whether the management of locks is enabled (or not) on the connection.- If "WD RECORD LOCK = WITH (NOLOCK)", the management of locks is disabled on the connection. In this case, the Native Connector adds "WITH (NOLOCK)" into all generated SELECT queries. Therefore, the selected records are not locked.
- If this option is not specified (default case), the management of locks is enabled on the connection. All the selected records are automatically locked.
Caution: "WD RECORD LOCK = WITH (NOLOCK)" is not used by default. Indeed, this option must be used with great care: the value of the records read may not correspond to the real value (if this value was recently modified by another computer for example).CtProgress.ExtendedInfo = ...
"PORT=2800;" + ...
"WD CLIENT LIBRARY= C:\...\pgoe1022.dll"
WD SESSION MODE | This value is an integer, result of a combination (BinaryOr) of the following values:- OCI_SYSDBA=2
For example, to connect as SYSDBA, you must use "WD SESSION MODE=2". |
WD Unicode Support | Used to specify whether the management of the Unicode format is enabled (or not) on the connection. If "WD Unicode Support = 0", the management of the Unicode format is disabled on the connection. All the values will be converted (if necessary) by the server into the default character set. In this case, the performance is improved but the Unicode items are not supported. If "WD Unicode Support = 1" (default value), the management of the Unicode format is enabled on the connection. All the exchanges with the server will be performed in Unicode. The possible conversions are managed by the native connector. |