Help / Control Centers / Project Management Hub
  • Overview
  • Location of data files
  • Time management help
  • Personal options
  • "Don't show again" dialog boxes
  • Managing links
  • Incident reproduction
  • Messaging
  • Administrator options
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Stored procedures
The Project Management Hub allows you to configure:
  • The data used to display the schedule (holidays, working days, ...). This information is specific to each contributor.
  • The parameters specific to the configuration of the Project Management Hub. This information affects:
    • The location of data files.
    • The time management help.
    • The custom options.
    • The "Do not show again" dialog boxes.
    • The management of links.
    • The reproduction of incidents.
    • The messaging.
    • The settings reserved to administrators.
To configure the Project Management Hub, expand Menu of Project Management Hub and select "Options".
Location of data files
This option allows you to specify the physical location of the data files used by the Project Management Hub and by the different Control Centers provided with WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile. Indeed, the different Control Centers share the same database.
You have the ability to use one of the following databases:
  • HFSQL Classic.
  • HFSQL Client/Server.
  • on a PCSCloud platform (paid solution). For more details on PCSCloud, see Cloud for HFSQL databases.
  • an SCMDrive database (paid solution). For more details on PCSCloud, see SCMDrive.
For more details on the use of an HFSQL Client/Server database, see Using the Control Centers in HFSQL Client/Server mode.
Time management help
The Project Management Hub allows you to configure and enable time management help. For more details, see Time management.
To enable the time management help, select "Enable time management help". All the options specific to time management become available:
  • Change of tasks: The default behavior used when changing the current task can be configured. You can either automatically lock the task that was the current task, or ask a question.
  • Ask to confirm current task: These parameters are used to configure the display of the confirmation request for the current task. The window for confirming the current task is displayed:
    • on a regular basis (every 60 minutes by default)
    • after an idle period: keyboard or mouse not used for example (10 minutes by default)
    If no confirmation of the current task is performed, the "task wheel" is displayed. This task wheel allows you to select the current task: interruption task or other task.
    "Ask for confirmation each time a project is opened" is also used to request a confirmation of the current task each time a project is opened in WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile. This option is useful when several tasks are linked to projects, windows, ...
  • Options of the task wheel: List of interruption tasks that currently exist. These tasks are entered in the Project Management Hub. Only the first eight interrupting tasks will be displayed in the task wheel.
Remark: The parameters specified here are also available in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile: on the "Project" tab, click "Other actions", expand "Time management" and select "Time management options".
Personal options
The personal options affect the configuration of the Project Management Hub for the user who is currently connected.
The available options are as follows:
  • Request password at startup. If this option is checked, a window is displayed when starting the Project Management Hub in order to identify the user.
  • Start at Windows startup. If this option is checked, the Project Management Hub will be automatically started when the Windows session is opened. Then, the Project Management Hub is minimized in the taskbar of Windows. The identification window will be displayed if "Request the password at startup" is checked.
  • Automatically import user feedback in the background . This option is used to automatically import the user feedback in the background. This option is set to "Never" by default. The user feedback can be imported every week for example when starting the Project Management Hub.
  • Show task completion window when the task is completed. If this option is checked, a window used to enter a comment is displayed when a task is completed.
  • Ignore documentation tasks associated with requirements. This option is used to display the schedules while ignoring the documentation tasks.
"Don't show again" dialog boxes
This option is used to manage the dialog boxes displayed by the Project Management Hub.
A table lists all the dialog boxes for which "Do not show again" was checked.
To show a dialog box again, simply uncheck "Do not show again".
Managing links
This parameter is used to manage the "Incident/Requirement" links and the "Incident/Task" links:
  • "Incident/Requirement" link: When creating an incident with a current task associated with a requirement, the Project Management Hub can:
    • Ask whether the incident must be associated with the task.
    • Associate the incident with the task automatically.
    • No action.
  • "Incident/Task" link: When fixing an incident linked to a non-completed task, the Project Management Hub can:
    • Ask whether the current task must be ended.
    • End the task automatically.
    • No action.
Incident reproduction
This parameter is used to manage the installation directory of the elements for reproducing incidents. You can configure:
  • The path of the local setup directory of reproduction elements.
  • The maximum number of incident reproductions in the directory. If this number is exceeded, the oldest reproductions are automatically deleted.
  • The maximum size for the setup directory of reproduction elements. If this size is exceeded, the oldest reproductions are automatically deleted.
  • The automatic deletion of the reproduction when the incident is fixed or archived.
You have the ability to receive by email a copy of the messages sent by the Project Management Hub, the Source Code Manager and the Software Factory. If this option is checked, the email address used is the one specified in the administrator options (setting of accounts used to send and receive emails).
Administrator options
In the Project Management Hub, the administrators (default username and password: ADMIN) have specific rights and they can perform specific operations. This window is used to configure:
  • the trust coefficients assigned to each contributor.
  • the presence of a guest mode. If the guest mode is allowed, the login window will propose the "Guest" mode. This option allows a contributor not listed in the Project Management Hub to view the schedule, the task list, ... This option is not available if an HFSQL Client/Server database is used.
  • the email account used for user feedback. This account is the global account used for all spools of user feedback. A specific account can also be defined to manage the feedback of each application. For the global account, you have the ability to specify:
    • the POP3 server used, its port, the user account and the associated password.
    • the SMTP server used, its port, the user account and the associated password.
  • the process of incidents. You can:
    • Allow the incidents to be modified by the contributors: The contributors will be able to add notes.
    • Define the maximum size of reproduction elements (per incident).
    • Clear the incident reproductions found in the database of Control Centers.
  • the messaging options:
    • You can define the recipients of the messages sent by the Project Management Hub when:
      • Creating an incident.
      • Fixing an incident.
      • Archiving an incident.
      • Flagging an incident as priority incident.
    • You also have the ability to define the suffix used in the emails sent.
    • You have the ability to define the accounts used to send and receive emails.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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