Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / OLE functions
  • Finding out the name of the OLE file associated with a control
  • Modifying the content of an OLE control
  • Displaying the content of an OLE binary memo
  • Miscellaneous
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Stored procedures
OLELoad (Function)
In french: OLECharge
Initializes an OLE control with an OLE object. The OLE server is invoked to load the OLE object. The OLE object appears in the control: the control is updated. The server is not started.
Remark: Depending on the server that created the OLE object, the object can be displayed in the control as:
  • its bitmap representation. Example: image created with Paint Brush.
  • its vector representation. Example: worksheet created with Excel.
  • the icon representing the server. Example: WinWord icon.
  • text.
// Load the object
// Process the object
// Save the object
<Result> = OLELoad(<OLE control> , <File name>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the OLE object was loaded,
  • False otherwise.
<OLE control>: Control name
Name of OLE control to initialize. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control to which the current event belongs will be used.
<File name>: Character string
Name of OLE object. This object must have been created by OLESave.

Finding out the name of the OLE file associated with a control

To find out the name of the OLE file associated with a control, use the following syntax:
FileName = OLE_OLE1 // OLE_OLE1 is the name of the control

Modifying the content of an OLE control

To modify the name of the file associated with a control, use the following syntax:
OLE_OLE1 = FileName // OLE_OLE1 is the name of the control
This line of code is equivalent to OLELoad(OLE_OLE1, FileName).

Displaying the content of an OLE binary memo

To display the content of an OLE binary memo, use the following syntax:
OLELoad(ControlName, DataFileName.ItemName)
For example:
OLELoad(OLE_OLE1, Product.OLEMemo)


Only OLE version 1 is supported.
Component: wd300ole.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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