- List Boxes containing more than 10 000 elements
- Visibility/Invisibility of elements in a List Box or Combo Box control
- Equivalence
- Sorted/Unsorted List Box control
- Adding an element to the browser
- Miscellaneous
ListAdd (Function) In french: ListeAjoute Adds an element to: - a List Box control populated programmatically,
- a Combo Box control populated programmatically.
Remarks: - To add an element at a specific position, use ListInsert.
- ListAdd can be used on the single-selection and multi-selection List Box controls.
- To add an image to a standard List Box control, use gImage.
- To add elements to a Combo Box control found in a container column of a Table control, use Content.
ListAdd(LISTE_ListeClient, "Dubois")
ListAdd(<Control to use> [, <Element>])
<Control to use>: Control name Name of control to use: - List Box control populated programmatically,
- ListView control populated programmatically,
- Combo Box control populated programmatically.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the element is added to the List Box control (or Combo Box) to which the current event belongs.
<Element>: Optional character string Element that will be added into the specified control. If this parameter is not specified, an empty row is added into the List Box or Combo Box control. This parameter can contain:- Carriage Return characters (CR) to add several elements.
- tabs (TAB) to obtain a multi-element List Box control (see Notes).
- gStoredValue to indicate the value that will be returned when the element is selected.
Remarks List Boxes containing more than 10 000 elements The maximum number of elements contained in a List Box control is limited only by available RAM (theoretical maximum: 2 billion lines).. Nevertheless, filling a List Box control with an important number of elements (more than 10 000) affects performance To add many elements to a List Box control, it is recommended to use a List Box control based on a data file (i.e., a list directly linked to an HFSQL data file). Miscellaneous - To add elements into a Table control, use TableAdd.
- ListAdd can be used on:
- a column of type "Combo Box" in a Table control.
- a "Table" Combo Box control.
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