Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Managing HFSQL Client/Server
  • Overview
  • Variables for managing users
  • Which variables?
  • When should I use these variables?
  • Default user
  • Variables for managing groups
  • When should I use these variables?
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Stored procedures
To simplify the management of users and groups of users, the HFSQL Client/Server engine uses several variables allowing you to easily define the characteristics of groups and users.
Variables for managing users

Which variables?

The following variables are used to manage users:
HUser.ActiveDirectoryBoolean (False by default).

If this variable is set to True, the user uses an authentication via Active Directory.
HUser.AuthorizedIPCharacter string

Set of elements representing the IP addresses allowed for the user. The different elements are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
This variable can correspond to:
  • An IPv4 address ( for example) or several IPv4 addresses separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • An IPv6 address (feco::40 for example) or several IPv6 addresses separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • A range of IPv4 addresses in CIDR format. For example:
  • A range of IPv6 addresses in CIDR format. For example: fec0:56::0/32
  • A DNS FQDN name ( for example) or several DNS names separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • A sub-domain name ( for example: pay attention to the dot) or several sub-domain names separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
HUser.CreationInfoRead-only character string.

Name of person who created the user account and creation date.

These details are separated by a tabulation (TAB). The creation date corresponds to an 8-digit character string.
HUser.DescriptionCharacter string.

User description.
HUser.EmailCharacter string.

User's email address.
HUser.EnabledAccountBoolean (True by default).

If this variable is set to False, the account exists but it is not enabled. Used for example to disable a user account during a given period.
HUser.ExpirationDateRead-only date.

Password expiration date. This date is deduced from the validity period of password and from the date of its last modification.
HUser.FullNameCharacter string.

Full name of the user.
HUser.GroupsCharacter string.

Name of groups to which the user is associated. The different groups are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
HUser.LoginCharacter string

User login (up to 254 characters).
The user login is not case sensitive.
HUser.PasswordRead-only character string.

User password. This password is sensitive to the case and to the accented characters.
HUser.PhoneCharacter string.

User's phone number.
HUser.PhotoBinary string corresponding to the photo of user.

We recommend that you use dSaveImagexxx to assign an image to this variable.
HUser.SuperUserBoolean (False by default)

If this variable is set to True:
  • The rights granted to this user are not checked. Therefore, all the actions can be performed by this user.
  • The password of this user never expires.
HUser.ValidityPeriodInteger (0 by default, no validity period).

Validity period of password (in days). This validity period is taken into account from the date of last password modification.

When should I use these variables?

The variables for user management are used:

Default user

By default, the following user is automatically created when using a Client/Server database:
  • Username: Admin
  • Password: "" (empty string)
  • User defined as super-user
Variables for managing groups
The following variables are used to manage groups of users:
HGroup.ActiveDirectoryBoolean (False by default).

If this variable is set to True, the group uses an authentication via Active Directory.
HGroup.AuthorizedIPCharacter string

Set of elements representing the IP addresses authorized for the group. The different elements are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
This variable can correspond to:
  • An IPv4 address ( for example) or several IPv4 addresses separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • An IPv6 address (feco::40 for example) or several IPv6 addresses separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • A range of IPv4 addresses in CIDR format. For example:
  • A range of IPv6 addresses in CIDR format. For example: fec0:56::0/32
  • A DNS FQDN name ( for example) or several DNS names separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
  • A sub-domain name ( for example: pay attention to the dot) or several sub-domain names separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
HGroup.DescriptionCharacter string.

Group description.
HGroup.NameCharacter string.

Name of the group (up to 254 characters).
HGroup.UsersCharacter string.

List of users associated with the group. The names of users are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).

When should I use these variables?

The variables for group management are used:
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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