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  • Connection and timeout functions
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Stored procedures
Changes the value of the "timeout" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers. The value of the "timeout" is set to 10 minutes by default. This value is returned by EmailGetTimeOut.
Reminder: The timeout is the maximum amount of time allowed while waiting for a response from the messaging server. If the server does not respond within this time-out, the connection fails.
EmailSetTimeOut(<Timeout Duration>)
<Timeout Duration>: Integer ou duration
Timeout value in seconds. This parameter can be:
  • an integer corresponding to the number of seconds,
  • a Duration variable,
  • the duration in a readable format (e.g., 1 s).

Connection and timeout functions

The connection functions (EmailStartSession, EmailStartPOP3Session and EmailStartSMTPSession) are locking functions during the entire connection. If the server does not respond, these functions are locking functions during the time-out duration.
Remark: The timeout value defined by EmailSetTimeOut represents the time passed to wait for the response from the messaging server. The real execution time of EmailStartSession, EmailStartPOP3Session and EmailStartSMTPSession can be greater than this value (for a slow DNS for example).
Related Examples:
WD Mail Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Mail
[ + ] This application is an email client developed in WINDEV. It is based on the Email objects.
This email client is used to retrieve and send emails by using the POP, IMAP and SMTP protocols.
You have the ability to apply filters to the incoming emails.

The application can also be used to manage several email accounts. The writing of an email is based on the HTML edit control.
The POP3 Email functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The POP3 Email functions
[ + ] Using the Email functions to manage the POP3 protocol.
This protocol is used to retrieve emails from a server.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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