RTFToText (Function) In french: RTFVersTexte Returns the text without the formatting characteristics specific to RTF. This text can be found: - in an edit control in RTF format.
- in a character string.
- in an RTF control of a WINDEV report.
The text without formatting can be used to perform a search for example. Reminder: By default, when retrieving the content of an RTF control, the retrieved value contains several formatting tags. For example: "\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1036{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;".
<Result> = RTFToText(<RTF text or Name of RTF control>)
<Result>: Character string Text found in the RTF control (without the RTF tags). <RTF text or Name of RTF control>: Character string - Name of RTF control.
This type of parameter is not supported. - Character string in RTF.
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