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Stored procedures
StoredValue (Property)
In french: ValeurMémorisée
The StoredValue property is used to get the value currently stored by:
  • a row in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control.
  • WEBDEV - Server code a "Text token" Edit control.
  • a row of a Table control.
  • an input suggestion in an Edit control (if the suggestion is selected).
The currently stored value can correspond to:
  • for List Box, ListView, and Combo Box controls based on a data file: the value of the stored item defined in the window editor ("Content" tab of the control description):
    Stored value of a Combo Box control
  • for List Box, ListView, and Combo Box controls populated programmatically: the value defined by gStoredValue.
    Reminder: To retrieve the value defined by gStoredValue: Remark: This property can be used to retrieve the stored values from a multi-selection List Box.
  • for "Text token" Edit controls: the value of the token.
  • for a row of a Table control populated programmatically: the stored value of the row. For this type of control, you can also assign the stored value of the row.
  • for a row of a Table control based on a variable, populated by an array of structures: a structure of the array.
  • for an input suggestion in an Edit control: the stored value associated with the suggestion. This value is defined when the suggestion is added with the AssistedInputAdd function, or with a variable of type AssistedInput.
// Values selected in a multi-selection List Box control
i is int = 1
iSelectedRow is int
iSelectedRow = ListSelect(LIST_Cedex, 1)
WHILE iSelectedRow <> -1
iSelectedRow = ListSelect(LIST_Cedex, i)
// Get the stored value when selecting the 3rd element of the List Box control
Info("The stored value is " + LIST_Cedex[3].StoredValue)
AssistedInputAdd(EDT_Edit1, "Displayed value", "Stored value")

// "Select a value in the list of input suggestions" event
// ----------------------------------------------------
PROCÉDURE Selection(MySelection is AssistedInput)
// Returns "stored value"

Getting the stored value of a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control Hide the details

<Stored value> = <Control used>[<Element index>].StoredValue
<Stored value>: Character string
Value that will be stored if the user selects the element in the specified control.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the List Box, ListView or Combo Box control to use.
<Element index>: Integer
Index of the element in the control (List Box, ListView or Combo Box) whose stored value you want to get.
WEBDEV - Server code

Getting the value stored in a "Text token" Edit control Hide the details

<Stored value> = <Edit control>.StoredValue
<Stored value>: Character string
Stored value. If the control has several tokens, this parameter will have the following syntax:
<Value of Token 1> + CR + ... + <Value of Token N>
<Edit control>: Control name
Name of the "Text token" Edit control to use.
WEBDEV - Browser code Not available in browser code

Getting the stored value of a row of a Table control Hide the details

<Stored value> = <Table control>[<Row index>].StoredValue
<Stored value>: Character string
Stored value for the row.
<Table control>: Control name
Name of the Table control to be used.
<Row index>: Integer
Index of the row whose value you want to get.
WEBDEV - Browser code Not available in browser code

Getting the stored value of an input suggestion Hide the details

<Stored value> = <Element>.StoredValue
<Stored value>: Character string
Stored value for the row.
<Element>: AssistedInput variable or control name
  • AssistedInput variable containing the characteristics of the selected row.
    When used in the "Select a value in the list of input suggestions" event, this variable contains the characteristics of the selected suggestion.
  • Name of the Edit control in which the row was selected.


The StoredValue property applies only to:
  • List Box, ListView and Combo Box controls.
  • WEBDEV - Server code "Text token" Edit controls.
  • Edit controls with input suggestions.
  • the Table controls.
PHP The StoredValue property can only be used with the following elements:
  • Combo Box controls and rows of Combo Box controls.
  • ListView controls and rows of ListView controls.
  • Group of controls.
WEBDEV - Browser code The StoredValue property can only be used with the following elements:
  • Combo Box controls and rows of Combo Box controls.
  • ListView controls and rows of ListView controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/17/2024

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