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Stored procedures
MemoryFormat (Property)
In french: FormatMémorisé


Two formats are used by the Date and Time edit controls and by the Calendar controls:
  • The format of the displayed value (called input mask): this format is used to display the date or the time in the edit control.
  • The format of the value returned by the program or transferred into an item.
If the input mask and the returned value are not identical, the conversion is automatically performed when saving the associated record.

The format of returned value is typed in the window editor, in the "Details" tab of the description window of Date or Time edit controls.
The MemoryFormat property is used to get and change the format of the value returned for:
  • the Date or Time edit controls.
  • the columns of the Date or Time Table controls.
  • Calendar controls.
  • Static controls.
  • WINDEVWindows the editable Combo Box controls.
  • WINDEVWindows the columns of the Table controls displayed by Combo Box controls.
EDT_Date1.MemoryFormat = "YYYMMDD"
Trace(EDT_Date1)  // Will display 20010702
EDT_Date1.MemoryFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"
Trace(EDT_Date1) // Will display 07/02/2001
EDT_Time1.MemoryFormat = "HH:MM"
Trace(EDT_Time1)  // Will display "14:31"
EDT_Time1.MemoryFormat = "HHMMSS"
Trace(EDT_Time1) // Will display "143123"
// Stored format of a Combo Box control displaying a list
COMBO_ListEdit.MemoryFormat = "YYYMMDD"
// Combo Box displaying a table
// Stored format of a Date column in a Table control

Finding out the returned value Hide the details

<Returned value> = <Control used>.MemoryFormat
<Returned value>: Character string
Format currently used for the returned value of the specified control.
For edit controls and columns of a Table control, the "As is" option is selected if this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""): in this case, the returned value corresponds to the input mask (returned by the InputMask property).
For the Calendar controls, the default format is used ("YYYYMMDD") if this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("").
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used:
  • "Date" or "Time" edit control,
  • "Date" or "Time" column of a Table control,
  • Calendar control.
WINDEVUniversal Windows 10 AppJava

Modifying the returned value Hide the details

<Control used>.MemoryFormat = <New format>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used:
  • "Date" or "Time" edit control,
  • "Date" or "Time" column of a Table control,
  • Calendar control.
<New format>: Character string
New format used for the returned value of the specified control.
For edit controls and columns of a Table control, the "As is" option is selected if this parameter corresponds to an empty string: in this case, the returned value corresponds to the input mask (returned by the InputMask property).
For the Calendar controls, the default format is used ("YYYYMMDD") if this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("").


The MemoryFormat property applies only to:
  • "Date" and "Time" edit controls.
  • "Date" and "Time" columns of a Table control.
  • Calendar controls.
  • Static controls.
  • WINDEV editable Combo Box controls.
  • WINDEV columns of a Table control displayed by Combo Box controls.
Java The MemoryFormat property applies only to Edit controls.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/17/2024

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