Help / Developing an application or website / Source Code Manager (SCM)
  • Overview
  • Checking out an element
  • How to check out an element?
  • Checking out an element
  • Checking out an element already checked out in exclusive mode
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Stored procedures
To edit an element of a project hosted on an SCM repository, you must first check out the element.
Two check-out modes are available:
  • Manual check-out: You must request the check-out before editing the element.
  • Automatic check-out: You will be automatically prompted to check out the element the first time you try to modify it.
To change the check-out mode:
  1. On the "Home" tab, in the "Environment" group, expand "Options" and select "WINDEV/WEBDEV/WINDEV Mobile general options".
  2. Select the "General" tab. The "Check out elements on first modification" option switches all currently open projects to automatic mode.
    Note: In this version, automatic mode is supported for windows, pages, queries and reports.
  3. Validate.
Checking out an element

How to check out an element?

  • 1st solution: Check-out request (always available):
    1. Select the element in the "Project explorer" pane.
    2. Select "Check out" in the context menu of the element.
      You can also go to the "SCM" tab, "Current element" group and select "Check out" ( icon).
  • 2nd solution: Manual check-out ("Check-out on first modification" unchecked):
    1. Open the element in the editor. An orange panel indicates that the element has not been checked out and that it cannot be modified.
    2. In the orange panel, click the check-out icon to modify the element.
  • 3rd solution: Automatic check-out ("Check-out on first modification" checked):
    1. Open the element in the editor.
    2. Make the desired changes. When validating the modification, the SCM automatically proposes to check out the element in order to modify it. If the check-out is validated, the modification is performed on the checked-out element. If the check-out is refused, the element is not modified.

Checking out an element

Regardless of the method, the SCM offers the following check-out options:
The check-out mode can be:
  • Exclusive: This element will not be available until it is checked back in. The element can be checked out for tests only.
  • For test: The element can be modified, but changes won't be checked in.
  • Multiple: Other users will also be able to check out the element. In this case, the differences between the element versions can be viewed when the element is checked back in.
Validate. The element is opened. The title bar indicates that the element is checked out.
  • If you try to modify the source code of an element that is not checked out, the Source Code Manager automatically proposes to check out the element.
  • If you check "Don't display this message anymore in this case (click 'check out')", you will be able to redisplay this window via the options of SCM administrator.

Checking out an element already checked out in exclusive mode

If the element to check out was already checked out in exclusive mode by another user, the following window is displayed by the Source Code Manager:
You can:
  • See the characteristics of checked-out element ("Properties")
  • Send a message to the person who checked out the element ("Send a message" button).
    Reminder: WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include a messaging tool. This tool uses the parameters specified in the control centers (users, files location, etc.). To open the messaging tool, on the "Tools" tab, in the "Control Centers" group, click "WDBal - Messaging".
  • Check out the element for test only. In this case, the modifications made to the element will be ignored in the reference project (found on the SCM server).
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 09/04/2024

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