Help / Editors / Data model editor / Conceptual Data Model
  • Overview
  • Creating an association
  • Creating an association
  • Operations performed on an association
  • Duplicate an association
  • Deleting an association
  • Renaming an association
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Stored procedures
In a CDM (Conceptual Data Model), the associations are used to link the entities between themselves.
The data model editor allows you to easily create associations.
When generating the LDM from the CDM, the associations will automatically become files or links (according to the specified cardinalities).
Creating an association

Creating an association

To create an association:
  1. On the "CDM" tab, in the "Creation" group, expand "New" and select "New association".
  2. Specify:
    • the name of the association. When the LDM is generated from the CDM, this name will be the logical name of the created data file if this association contains at least one property or belongs to a complex link.
    • the association caption that summarizes the purpose of association.
    • the notes that present the operating mode of association.
  3. The association becomes the current association. The properties of this association can be described automatically.
Operations performed on an association

Duplicate an association

To duplicate/copy an association:
  1. Select the association to duplicate.
  2. Press Ctrl + C then Ctrl + V to copy the association.
  3. In the duplication window, specify the requested information and validate. The duplicated association is automatically created in the current CDM.

Deleting an association

To delete an association:
  1. Select the association to delete.
  2. Open the context menu of the selected association (right mouse click).
  3. Select "Delete". The association is automatically deleted from the CDM. If relationships were pointing to this association, these relationships are also deleted.

Renaming an association

To rename an association:
  1. Select the association to rename.
  2. On the "CDM" tab, in the "Current element" group, click "Description".
  3. Modify the name of the association and validate the association description. The association is automatically renamed.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/02/2024

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