HTMLWrapAllChildren (Function) In french: HTMLEncadreTousLesFils Wraps all children of the given node in a new node in an HTML document. hDoc is htmlDocument = " <html> <head/> <body> <h1></h1><div id="div"> <p>Text1</p> <p>Texte2</p> </div><h3></h3> </body> </html> " hNode is htmlNode <- HTMLChercheElémentParID(hDoc, "div") hNodeInsert is htmlNode  hNodeInsert..TagName = "h2" HTMLWrap(hNode, hNodeInsert) // body: <h1/><h2><div id="div"><p>Text1</p><p>Text2</p></div></h2><h3/> Trace(hDoc) hNodeInsert..TagName = "span" HTMLWrapAllChildren(hNode, hNodeInsert) // body: <h1/><h2><div id="div"><span><p>Text1</p><p>Text2</p></span></div></h2><h3/> Trace(hDoc) HTMLUnwrapAllChildren(hNode) // body: <h1/><h2><span><p>Text1</p><p>Text2</p></span></h2><h3/> Trace(hDoc)
HTMLWrapAllChildren(<Source node> , <Wrapping node>)
<Source node>: htmlNode variable Name of the htmlNode variable that corresponds to the reference node. <Wrapping node>: htmlNode variable Name of the htmlNode variable corresponding to the node that wraps the children of the <Source node>. Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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