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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Button control
  • Overview
  • Retrieving and modifying the caption of the Button control
  • Retrieving the caption
  • Changing the caption
  • Finding out and modifying the state of an On/Off button
  • Changing the target of a Button control
  • To use a simple target (frame of the frameset for example) in most cases and a new browser in some cases:
  • To open a browser in most cases and to use a specific destination in some cases:
  • Modifying the image displayed in the Button control
  • To change the image of a Button control in browser code
  • Properties specific to the management of images in a Button control
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Manipulating Button controls programmatically
WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV allow you to programmatically manipulate Button controls. To do so, use the variable of the Button control in the code.
The variable of the Button control:
  • corresponds to the name of the Button control.
  • is initialized with the caption of the Button control.
Retrieving and modifying the caption of the Button control

Retrieving the caption

To retrieve the caption of the Button control, use the following syntax:
  • direct syntax:
    <Caption> = <Button control>
  • using the Caption property:
    <Caption> = <Button control>.Caption
<Caption> is Character String variable.
WINDEV Note: If the label is in RTF ("RTF" option checked in the "General" tab of the field description), the recovered label will contain the RTF tags. To get the caption without the RTF tags, use RTFToText.
For example:
MyCaption is string
MyCaption = RTFToText(BTN_Button.Caption)

Changing the caption

To modify the caption of the Button control, use the following syntax:
<Button control> = <Caption>
<Caption> is Character String variable.
WINDEV Note: If the label is in RTF ("RTF" option checked in the "General" tab of the field description), the new label may or may not contain RTF text.
Finding out and modifying the state of an On/Off button
WINDEVAndroidJava The Pushed property is used to get the state of the Button control:
<State> = <Button control>.Pushed
<Status> is a Boolean variable:
  • True if the button is pressed,
  • False if the button is released.
Changing the target of a Button control
WEBDEV - Server code The target of a Button control is defined in the page editor at the same time as the action to perform (in the description window of the Button control). For more details, see Action associated with the Button control.
WEBDEV allows you to change this target programmatically. Indeed, in some sites, the target of a Button control can be modified according to the action performed by the Web user.
Example: if the user enters his name and password:
  • if the password is correct, the application continues in the current page
  • if the password is incorrect, a new browser is opened to ask for the name and password again.
In this example, in most cases, the Web user will enter a correct password. The error is an exception.
WEBDEV - Server code

To use a simple target (frame of the frameset for example) in most cases and a new browser in some cases:

  1. In the Button control description, define the "simple" target (frame of the frameset, current browser, etc.).
  2. In the browser code of the Button control, use ChangeTarget:
    IF <Condition> THEN
    // Change the target
    // Display in a new browser
    ChangeTarget(NewBrowser, "New")
WEBDEV - Server code

To open a browser in most cases and to use a specific destination in some cases:

  1. In the Button control description, define the "New browser" target by defining the parameters of the new browser.
  2. In the browser code of the Button control, use ChangeTarget:
    IF <Condition> THEN
    // Change the target
    // Display in the "FRM_Target" frame
Modifying the image displayed in the Button control
WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadJava To change the image displayed in the Button control, use the Image property:
<Button control>.Image = <Image path>
<Image path> is a Character String variable
The following image formats are supported in Windows:
  • Bitmap (*.BMP)
  • Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
  • Joint Picture Experts Group (*.jpg ; *.jpeg)
  • Kodak Photo CD (*.pcd)
  • PaintBrush (*.pcx)
  • Adobe Photoshop Format (*.psd)
  • TrueVision TARGA (*.tga)
  • Tagged Image File Format (*.tif ; *.tiff)
    Note: the "Tiled TIFF" option in TIFF 6.0 is not supported. In this case, we advise you to save the image in tiff 5.0 standard.
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
  • Windows MetaFiles (*.emf ; *.wmf)
  • Icons (*.ico ; *.icw)
    • HQ display (High Quality) available.
    • Management of sheets in transparent BMP format (32 bits).
  • Cursors (*.cur)
  • Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)
  • WINDEV images (generated by the image editor, *.WDPIC).
  • New in version 2025
    Images in WebP format (*.webp).
Remark: To manage TIFF, GIF and JPEG images, Wxxximg.dll must be installed with the other WINDEV DLLs.
WEBDEV - Browser code

To change the image of a Button control in browser code

  1. Save the new image in the "<ProjectName>_WEB" directory.
  2. Use the FolderWeb function. For example:
    BTN_IMAGE = FolderWeb() + "/VSXP15022_MODIF.gif"
Properties specific to the management of images in a Button control
The following properties are used to programmatically handle the images used in a Button control.
BackgroundImageAllows you to find out and modify the image associated with the border of a Button control.
BackgroundImageStateAllows you to find out and modify the number of drawings found in the image associated with the border of a Button control.
ImageAllows you to find out and modify the image of a Button control.
ImageStateAllows you to find out and modify the number of drawings found in the image associated with a Button control.
PushedEnables you to view and modify the status of a pushbutton field (button pressed or not).
ValueAllows you to find out and modify the caption of a Button control.

For a complete list of WLanguage properties that can be used with Button controls, see Button control properties.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/06/2024

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