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Stored procedures
Saves an image contained in a variable of type Image:
  • in a JPEG file.
  • in memory.
  • This function can only be used to save the images for screen resolutions up to 32 bits.
  • Java Saving images in JPEG format is supported only if the application is run by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) distributed by SUN. Images in JPEG format cannot be saved with other Java virtual machines.
Linux Caution: A specific configuration is required to use this function in Linux. For more details, see The drawings.
MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
// Sauve en mémoire l'image présente dans MonImage
ResSauvegarde = MonImage.SauveJPEG(inMemory)
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MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
// Sauve l'image présente dans MonImage sur "C:\Documents\Image.JPEG"
ResSauvegarde = MonImage.SauveJPEG("C:\Documents\Image.JPEG")
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Saving an image in a JPEG file Hide the details

<Result> = <Image name>.SaveJPEG(<File name> [, <Quality> [, <Exif tag>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the image was saved,
  • False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Image name>: Image variable
Name of the Image variable to be used.
<File name>: Character string
Name and full (or relative) path of JPEG file. A UNC path can be used. The file extension is optional.
  • The destination directory must exist in order for the image to be saved.
  • The existence of the JPEG file is not checked. This file is automatically overwritten if it already exists.
<Quality>: Optional integer
Quality of the image saved. Value between 1 and 100 (80 by default). Lower image quality translates into higher image compression rate and smaller file size.
<Exif tag>: Optional constant (or combination of constants)
Save the Exif tags modified by ImageInfoModify:
imgAddThumbnailAdds a thumbnail into the image file (<File name>).
If there is a thumbnail in the image file displayed in the Image control, this constant is not taken into account.
AndroidJava This constant is not available.
imgGrayScaleUsed to save the image in black and white ("Grayscale" display mode).
Android This constant is not available.
imgProgressiveJPEGUsed to save the image in progressive JPEG format. This format is mainly used for the Web sites. It allows the pages to be loaded faster (the images being loaded and displayed progressively).
Android This constant is not available.
imgSaveTagSaves the Exif tags.
If there is a thumbnail in the image file displayed in the Image control, a new thumbnail is recalculated.
Android This constant can be used only if <Image name> is a variable of type Image. The thumbnail will not be recalculated.
Java This constant is not available.

By default, the Exif tags are not saved, no operation is performed on the thumbnails.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This parameter is not available.
Universal Windows 10 App Syntax not available

Saving an image in memory Hide the details

<Result> = <Image name>.SaveJPEG(<inMemory> [, <Quality>])
<Result>: Buffer
Byte string containing the image in JPEG format.
Then this byte string can be assigned to an Image control, saved in a file (fSaveText), sent via a network (with the Socket functions), ...
<Image name>: Image variable
Name of the Image variable to be used.
<inMemory>: Constant
inMemory: Constant used to save an image in memory.
<Quality>: Optional integer
Quality of the image saved. Value between 1 and 100 (80 by default). Lower image quality translates into higher image compression rate and smaller file size.
Component: wd300pnt.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 06/25/2024

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