- Asymmetric encryption of an envelope
EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped (Function) In french: CrypteAsymétriqueEnveloppé
From version 28, EncryptAsymmetricEnvelopped is kept for backward compatibility. This function has been replaced with EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped.
Performs an asymmetric encryption of an envelope.
bufACrypter is Buffer = "Message à crypter"
bufMessageCrypté is Buffer
sFichierCléPublique is string = fExeDir() + "\ClePublique.pem"
sMotDePasseCléPublique is string = "xxx"
bufMessageCrypté = EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped(bufACrypter, sFichierCléPublique, sMotDePasseCléPublique)
bufMessageCrypté is Buffer
bufMessageDécrypté is Buffer
sFichierCléPrivée is string = fExeDir() + "\ClePrivee.pem"
sMotDePasseCléPrivée is string = "xxx"
bufMessageDécrypté = DecryptAsymmetricEnveloped(bufMessageCrypté, sFichierCléPrivée, sMotDePasseCléPrivée)
bufACrypter is Buffer = "Message à crypter"
bufMessageCrypté is Buffer
bufCléPublique is Buffer
bufCléPrivée is Buffer
(bufCléPrivée, bufCléPublique) = EncryptGenerateRSAKey(1024)
bufMessageCrypté = EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped(bufACrypter, bufCléPublique)
bufMessageCrypté is Buffer
bufMessageDécrypté is Buffer
bufMessageDécrypté = DecryptAsymmetricEnveloped(bufMessageCrypté, bufCléPrivée)
<Result> = EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped(<Content to encrypt> , <Public key file> [, <Password>])
<Result>: Buffer All the information necessary for decryption (algorithms used, encrypted key, initialization vector and encrypted buffer). <Content to encrypt>: Buffer Buffer to encrypt. <Public key file>: Character string or Buffer - Name and path of the file corresponding to the public key that will be used to encrypt. pem, der and p12 key formats are supported.
- Buffer containing the public key that will be used for the encryption.
<Password>: Optional character string Key file password (if required). Remarks Asymmetric encryption of an envelope EncryptAsymmetricEnveloped generates a random encryption key that will be used to encrypt <Content to encrypt> with a symmetric algorithm. The key is encrypted with the public key of <Public key file>. <Result> contains a buffer that concatenates all the necessary information for the decryption (algorithms used, encrypted key, initialization buffer and encrypted buffer). Remarks: - The private key is encrypted using OAEP padding.
- The message is encrypted using AES 256 in CBC with PKCS padding.
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