SystemIntegerToInteger (Function) In french: EntierSystèmeVersEntier Converts a system integer to a 4-byte integer. Remark: The system integer is encoded on 4 or 8 bytes according to the compilation mode of the project (32 or 64-bit).
HandleNum is system int
GetModuleHandle is API Description
GetModuleHandle.DLLName = "kernel32"
GetModuleHandle.FunctionName = "GetModuleHandleA"
GetModuleHandle.ReturnType = apiSystemInt
GetModuleHandle.Parameter[1].Type = apiString
HandleNum = API(GetModuleHandle, "MyWindow")
Num is int
Num = SystemIntegerToInteger(HandleNum)
<Result> = SystemIntegerToInteger(<Value>)
<Result>: Integer Integer encoded on 4 bytes regardless of the compilation mode. <Value>: System integer System integer to convert. Reminder: - A system integer is encoded on 4 bytes in 32-bit compilation mode.
- A system integer is encoded on 8 bytes in 64-bit compilation mode.
Remarks A fatal error will occur if the value of the system integer is too big to be converted to integer. In this case, an exception must be processed.
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