HeaderVisible (Property) In french: EntêteVisible
The HeaderVisible property is used to: - Determine if the row and column headers are displayed in a Spreadsheet control.
- Show or hide the row and column headers in a Spreadsheet control.
Reminder: - In a Spreadsheet control, the headers are used to easily identify the cells.
- This property corresponds to the "Display headers of rows and columns" option in the "Details" tab of the Spreadsheet control description window.
IF CBOX_Header THEN PSHEET_Spreadsheet.HeaderVisible = True ELSE PSHEET_Spreadsheet.HeaderVisible = False END
Determining if the row and column headers are visible Hide the details
<Result> = <Spreadsheet control>.HeaderVisible
<Result>: Boolean - True if the headers are visible,
- False otherwise.
<Spreadsheet control>: Control name Name of the Spreadsheet control to be used.
Showing or hiding the row and column headers Hide the details
<Spreadsheet control>.HeaderVisible = <Header Status>
<Spreadsheet control>: Control name Name of the Spreadsheet control to be used. <Header Status>: Boolean - True if the header is visible,
- False otherwise.
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Unit examples (WINDEV): The Spreadsheet control
[ + ] Using the Spreadsheet control. This example explains how to: - load an xlsx file in a spreadsheet control, - save the spreadsheet in a file, - fill the control with data coming from the database, - insert rows, columns, - access the cells and handle them (modify their value, their style, ...), - enter formulas, - ...
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