| | |
typActiveX | 17 | ActiveX control
typOrganizer | 76 | Organizer control
typScrollbar | 18 | Scrollbar control
typAttribute | 41 | Attribute of a Looper control
typSlidingBanner | 122 | Sliding Banner control
typNavigationBar | 117 | Navigation Bar control
typToolbar | 22 | Toolbar control
typToolbox | 29 | Sidebar control
typButton | 4 | Button control |
New in version 2025typButtonSegmented | 148 | Segmented Button control
typCalendar | 47 | Calendar control
typCaptcha | 82 | Captcha control
typMap | 92 | Map control
typCarousel | 37 | Carousel control
typStatusBarBox | 40002 | Cells of a status bar
typCell | 50014 | Cell control
typCellCSSGrid | 147 | Cell control in a CSS Grid field. |
typNavigationBarCell | 115 | Cell control in a Navigation Bar control.
typCellLayout | 127 | Cell in a Layout control |
typCellFlexBox | 139 | Cell of a FlexBox control. |
typCellPageLayout | 84 | Cell control used for the Zoning layout.
typFormattedControl | 50001 | Formatted display control
typHTMLControl | 50002 | HTML control
typMenuControl | 50007 | Menu of a WEBDEV page
typContextMenuControl | 141 | Context menu in a WEBDEV page
typBreadcrumb | 50011 | Breadcrumb control
typClick | 30001 | Clickable Image control (Image control with the "This image is a clickable area" option).
typBarCode | 26 | Bar Code control
typColumn | 56 | Table column
typComboWE | 10001 | Editable Combo Box control
typComboNE | 10002 | Non-editable Combo Box control
typWebComponent | 121 | Web Component control |
typConference | 25 | Conference control
typNativeContainer | 125 | Native Container control
typCube | 38 | Cube control
typDate | 20002 | Date Edit control
typLayout | 126 | Layout control
typDuration | 20006 | Duration Edit control
typDiagramEditor | 130 | Diagram Editor control
typCodeEditor | 146 | Code Editor control
typHtmlEditor | 134 | HTML Editor control
typImageEditor | 124 | Image Editor control
typMobileImageEditor | 138 | Mobile Image Editor control
typWin | 1 | Window
typInternalWindow | 31 | Internal Window
typWire | 118 | Wire control
typFlash | 50008 | Flash control
typFlex | 48 | Flex control
typFlexbox | 139 | Flexbox control
typShape | 20 | Shape/Drawing control
typGantt | 110 | Gantt Chart column (Table or TreeView Table control).
typChart | 33 | Chart control in a window or page
typGrp | 58 | Group of controls
typTime | 20003 | Time Edit control
typHTML | 23 | HTML static
typIFrame | 50013 | IFrame control
typImage | 8 | Image control |
typCheckBox | 5 | Check Box control
typSwitch | 132 | Switch control
typProgressBar | 10 | Progress Bar control
typInfiniteProgressBar | 113 | Infinite Progress Bar control
typJava | 50004 | Java control
typKanban | 140 | Kanban control
typPDFReader | | PDF Reader control
typStatic | 3 | Static Text control |
typHTMLStatic | 50006 | HTML Static control
typLink | 50005 | Link control
typSocialLink | 103 | Social Network control
typHorizontalRule | 50003 | Line control
typList | 7 | List Box control
typListView | 27 | ListView control
typKanbanList | 142 | Kanban List control
typMapArea | 50010 | Clickable Image control
typControlTemplate | 43 | Control Template control. |
typCurrency | 20005 | Currency Edit control
typMultimedia | 39 | Multimedia control
typRating | 85 | Rating control
typRepositionableNote | 119 | Repositionable Note control
typNum | 20004 | Numeric Edit control
typOle | 15 | OLE control
typTab | 16 | Tab control
typSwitchOption | 133 | Option of a Switch control
typMenuOption | 40001 | Menu option
typOrganizationChart | 86 | Organization Chart control
typPage | 1 | Page
typPeelingCorner | 79 | Peeling Corner control
typInternalPage | 31 | Internal page
typPanel | 131 | Dockable Panel control
typSlidingBannerPlane | 123 | Plane associated with a Sliding Banner control
typSiteMap | 45 | Site Map control
typScheduler | 80 | Scheduler
typPopup | 90 | Popup page
typSlider | 12 | Slider control
typRangeSlider | 72 | Range Slider
typRotativeSlider | 13 | Round Slider
typRangeSlider | 72 | Range Slider control
typPager | 50009 | Pager control
typRibbonGroup | | Ribbon group
typRibbon | 87 | Ribbon control
typBreak | | Break in a Looper control
typSelect | 6 | Radio Button control |
typSplitter | 28 | Splitter control
typSilverlight | 46 | SilverLight control
typSpin | 11 | Spin control
typSuperControl | 40 | Supercontrol |
typTable | 9 | Table control
typPivotTable | 102 | Pivot Table control
typDashboard | 111 | Dashboard control
typTreeviewTable | 35 | TreeView Table control
typSpreadsheet | 114 | Spreadsheet control
typText | 20001 | Text Edit control
typDrawer | 34 | Drawer control
typWordProcessing | 120 | Word Processing control
typTreeMap | 74 | TreeMap control
typTreeView | 19 | TreeView control
typUpload | 73 | Upload control
typVideo | 78 | Video control
typThumbnail | 50012 | Thumbnail control
typWebCam | 24 | Web Camera control
typXaml | 36 | Xaml control
typMultilineZone | 97 | Multiline Zone control
typLooper | 30 | Looper control
typLinearLooper | 77 | Linear Looper control
typRichTextArea | 109 | Text Area control