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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing emails
  • Special cases
  • Members of the Email structure taken into account
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Stored procedures
Starts the native application for sending emails found on the current computer:
  • Computer running Windows (using the MAPI client),
  • Mobile device: Android, iPhone, iPad, Universal Windows 10.
The content and recipients of the email message are initialized from the information specified in the WLanguage Email structure.
  • The application for sending emails found on the current computer must have been configured with a valid account for sending emails (SMTP).
  • The current directory can be modified according to the configuration of the application for sending emails.
// Envoi d'un message avec pièce jointe 
Email.Recipient[1] = ""
Email.NbRecipient = 1
Email.Subject = "Sujet du message"
Email.Message = "Texte du message"
// Photo.jpg est un fichier qui a été créé par l'application
Email.Attach[1] = SysDirExternalStorage(1, ssePublicDocument) + [fSep] + "photo.jpg"
Email.NbAttach = 1

Special cases

  • A non-fatal error is triggered if no application for sending emails is found on the current computer. To find out whether the application for sending emails failed to start, use the ErrorOccurred variable.
  • To reinitialize the Email structure, use EmailReset.
  • EmailRunApp is a non-blocking function. The code that follows the call to this function will continue to run as soon as the application for sending emails is started.
  • There is no way to find out whether the sending of the email was validated by the user.

Members of the Email structure taken into account

Related Examples:
WM Expense Account Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Expense Account
[ + ] This example allows you to manage your fees.

Let's see the main features of this application:
- The input of invoices
- Management of foreign currencies
- Inclusion of photo document for the invoices
- Ability to email the expense account
- Ability to track the expense accounts
- ...
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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Last update: 07/10/2024

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