SchedulerListAppointment (Function) In french: PlanningListeRendezVous Returns: - the list of appointments found between two dates in a Scheduler control,
- all the appointments found in a Scheduler control,
- a specific appointment (selected or hovered).
// List all appointments from the Scheduler control arrApt is array of Appointment MyResource = "Vince" arrApt = SchedulerListAppointment(SCH_Schedule) Â // Adds the appointments into a Table control FOR EACH gMyAppointment OF arrApt TableAddLine(TABLE_Table1, MyResource, ... gMyAppointment.StartDate, gMyAppointment.EndDate, gMyAppointment.Title) END
// Lists the appointments from today's date arrApt is array of Appointment arrApt = SchedulerListAppointment(SCH_Schedule, MyResource, DateSys())
Retrieving the list of appointments found between two dates Hide the details
<Result> = SchedulerListAppointment(<Scheduler control> [, <Resource> [, <Start date> [, <End date>]]])
<Result>: Array of Appointment variables Array containing the Appointment variables. If an appointment corresponding to the specified criteria exists, this array will contain a single element. If no appointment corresponds to the specified criteria, this array will contain 0 appointment. <Scheduler control>: Control name Name of Scheduler control to use. This control can correspond to: - the Scheduler control of a window,
- the Scheduler control of a page,
- the Scheduler control of a report.
<Resource>: Optional character string Name of resource to which the appointments will be associated. If this parameter is not specified (or if it corresponds to an empty string), all appointments of all resources will be returned. <Start date>: Optional DateTime variable Start date for selecting the appointments. If this parameter is not specified, all the appointments found in the Scheduler control will be returned. <End date>: Optional DateTime variable End date for selecting the appointments. If this parameter is not specified, all appointments found from <Start date> will be returned.
Retrieving the information about a specific appointment Hide the details
<Result> = SchedulerListAppointment(<Scheduler control> , <Type of appointment>)
<Result>: Array of Appointment variables Name of array containing the Appointment variables. If an appointment corresponding to the specified criteria exists, this array will contain a single element. If no appointment corresponds to the specified criteria, this array will contain 0 appointment. <Scheduler control>: Control name Name of Scheduler control to use. This control can correspond to: - the Scheduler control of a window,
- the Scheduler control of a page,
- the Scheduler control of a report.
<Type of appointment>: Integer constant Type of appointment sought: | | schAptHovered | Appointment hovered by the mouse cursor in the Scheduler control. If no appointment is hovered, <Result> will correspond to an array of 0 element.
| schAptSelected | Appointment currently selected in the Scheduler control. If no appointment is selected, <Result> will correspond to an array of 0 element. |
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