- Special cases
- Required application feature
GPSLastPosition (Function) In french: GPSDernièrePosition Retrieves the information about the last known location of the device.
pos is geoPosition pos = GPSLastPosition() IF ErrorOccurred = False THEN Info(" Latitude: " + pos.Latitude) Â Info(" Longitude: " + pos.Longitude) Â END
<Result> = GPSLastPosition()
<Result>: geoPosition variable Name of the geoPosition variable. This variable contains the information about the last known device position. To find out whether the position failed to be retrieved, use the ErrorOccurred variable. Remarks Special cases - To determine if a value was assigned to the Speed, Accuracy, Direction or Altitude properties of a geoPosition variable when the location was retrieved, use the SpeedValid, AccuracyValid, DirectionValid and AltitudeValid properties.
- To reinitialize a geoPosition variable, use VariableReset.
- The positioning information that was retrieved corresponds to the last known device location: therefore, they may not correspond to the current device location if the device was moved while the GPS signal was not valid for example.
You can use the MeasurementDate property of the geoPosition variable to determine the date and time at which the position was calculated.
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