Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Types of HFSQL variables
  • Properties specific to the description of hFileParameter variables
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Stored procedures
hFileParameter (Type of variable)
In french: hParamètreFichier
HFSQL Client/ServerAvailable only with this kind of connection
The hFileParameter type is used to define the data files taken into account by a scheduled optimization task. The characteristics of these data files can be defined and modified by several WLanguage properties.
This type of variable is used by the hScheduledOptimization type.
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
// Recalculate the statistics for the files found in "MyDatabase",
// every Saturday at 23:00
Optim is hScheduledOptimization
Optim.Description = "Recalculating the statistics for the files found in the MyDatabase database"
Optim.Scheduling.Month = "*"
Optim.Scheduling.DayOfWeek = "Saturday"
Optim.Scheduling.Hour = "23"
Optim.Scheduling.Minute = "0"
Optim.File[1].Name = "MyDatabase"
Optim.File[1].Option = hOptStat
HAddScheduledOptimization(MyConnection, Optim)

Properties specific to the description of hFileParameter variables

The following properties can be used to handle a hFileParameter variable:
Property nameType usedEffect
NameCharacter stringName of the file to process. This name can correspond to a string of the following type:
  • <Database name>/<File name>: Optimizing the "File Name" file in the "Database Name" database.
  • <Database name>: Optimizing all the data files found in the "Database Name" database.
  • "*": Optimizing all the data files found in all the databases of the server.
OptionInteger constantOptimization options:
  • hOptIndex: Provokes the re-indexing operation on the data files. A hot re-indexing operation is performed on the indexes and on the full-text indexes.
  • hOptStat: Provokes the recalculation of statistics on the data files. The result is similar to the use of HStatCalculate. This process is a hot process.
PasswordCharacter stringPassword of the encrypted data files.
This property is available in write mode.
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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