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Stored procedures
Retrieves or modifies the options of the dynamic audit.
// Find out the options of the dynamic audit
IF BinaryAND(dbgAuditOption(), AuditWarningUser) = AuditWarningUser THEN
Trace("Dynamic audit with user warning")
IF BinaryAND(dbgAuditOption(), AuditError) = AuditError THEN
Trace("Dynamic audit with error")

Finding out the options of the dynamic audit Hide the details

<Result> = dbgAuditOption()
<Result>: Integer constant
Options of the dynamic audit:
AuditAssertionThe assertions are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditCommentThe audit comments are written into the dynamic audit. An audit comment is written by dbgWriteCommentAudit.
AuditErrorThe non-fatal errors not processed are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditExceptionThe fatal errors, processed by WHEN EXCEPTION or not processed, are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningAnomalyThe execution warnings regarding the detected anomalies are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningPerformanceThe execution warnings regarding performance are registered in the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningUserThe custom execution warnings are written into the dynamic audit. A custom warning is triggered by dbgWriteWarningAudit.

Modifying the options of the dynamic audit Hide the details

dbgAuditOption([<New options>])
<New options>: Optional integer
Options of the dynamic audit:
AuditAllAll the audit events are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditAssertionThe assertions are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditCommentThe audit comments are written into the dynamic audit. An audit comment is written by dbgWriteCommentAudit.
AuditErrorThe non-fatal errors not processed are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditExceptionThe fatal errors, processed by WHEN EXCEPTION or not processed, are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningAnomalyThe execution warnings regarding the detected anomalies are written into the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningPerformanceThe execution warnings regarding performance are registered in the dynamic audit.
AuditWarningUserThe custom execution warnings are written into the dynamic audit. A custom warning is triggered by dbgWriteWarningAudit.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 07/03/2023

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