Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Test functions
  • Message displayed in the status report of tests
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Stored procedures
From version 23, TestVerify is kept for backward compatibility. This function is replaced by TestCheck.
Writes a result into the status report of a test according to the result of a boolean expression.
  • This function can only be used in the code of an automatic test.
  • To test the result of a Boolean expression on all platforms, use dbgCheckXXX functions. For more details, see Debugging functions.
// Check the validity of an email address
// We assume that a bEmailValid function is used to check the validity of an email address
// Call this procedure with test values that represent valid addresses,
// via the sEmailAddress parameter
// In the status report of the test, a line will appear for each address checked
TestCheck(bValidEmail(sEmailAddress), "Invalid address", "OK", ...
"test about the validity of email address '" + sAddress + "': ")
// To get the invalid addresses only in the status report of test
TestCheck(bEmailValid(sEmailAddress), sAddress + ": Invalid address")
<Result> = TestCheck(<Boolean expression> [, <Caption if error> [, <Caption if success> [, <Common caption>]]])
<Result>: Boolean
Result of <Boolean expression>.
<Boolean expression>: Boolean
Expression that returns a boolean (True or False).
<Caption if error>: Optional character string
Caption that will be displayed if <Boolean expression> is set to False.
<Caption if success>: Optional character string
Caption that will be displayed if <Boolean expression> is set to True.
<Common caption>: Optional character string
Caption that will be displayed in all cases.

Message displayed in the status report of tests

  • If the boolean expression is set to True:
    • if the sum of <Common caption>+<Caption if success> is not empty, TestCheck is equivalent to:
      TestWriteResult(twrInfo, <Common caption>+<Caption if success>)
    • if the sum of <Common caption>+<Caption if success> is empty, the function has no action.
  • If the boolean expression is set to False:
    • if the sum of <Common caption>+<Caption if error> is not empty, TestCheck is equivalent to:
      TestWriteResult(twrError, <Common caption>+<Caption if error>)
    • if the sum of <Common caption>+<Caption if error> is empty, TestCheck is equivalent to:
      TestWriteResult(twrError, <Standard error message>)
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300testexe.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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