Version: 2024

The merging of repositories makes it possible to combine projects from several repositories into a single repository...
The search in the history allows you to perform an advanced search in the history of operations performed in the SCM...
When several projects share elements in the same SCM, changing the version of WINDEV and WEBDEV projects...
The SCM (Source Code Manager) administrator allows to you manage the branches of the different projects found in SCM...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to easily create and publish components...
When changing the version of the development tool, the projects found in the SCM must be migrated to this new version...
Four versions are available for the SCM repository...
The Source Code Manager offers a graphic interface for editing branches to optimize the management of branches in your projects...
Any changes made in a branch can be retrieved in the main version of the application...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile propose a sophisticated Source Code Manager...
The principle for working with the Source Code Manager is as follows...
The SCM administrator (Source Code Manager) allows you to handle the different projects included...
in the SCM......
The SCM gives you the ability to define a check-in policy......
The management of branches is used to manage several versions of the same application...
The different options of the SCM can be handled via the SCM toolbar or the options of a specific...
When creating an executable, a library or a component, ......
To share a project via the Source Code Manager, a repository must be created......
Some operations are required before an existing project can be used by the Source Code Manager......
The SCM administrator (Source Code Manager) proposes several tools to manage and optimize the SCM...
From version 110042, the dates and times are stored in the Source Code Manager in UTC format...
The Source Code Manager allows you to easily work in offline mode......
When an element is added to the SCM (Source Code Manager) repository, it is added to the reference...
The SCM administrator (Source Code Manager) allows you to directly handle the source codes...
WINDEV Tutorial - An SCM for WINDEV Sharing your source code with the SCM - 30 min
The project description window allows you to configure various elements of your project......
WEBDEV Tutorial - A Source Code Manager for WEBDEV Sharing your source code with the SCM - 30 min...
An internal component is a set of elements from a project......