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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / External file functions
  • Selecting directories
  • Opening mode of the image picker
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Stored procedures
Opens the image picker of Windows. The image picker is as follows:
Image picker
// Sélection d'un fichier image
Fichier = fImageSelect("C:\Répertoires", "Fichier.gif", "Sélectionner une image", ...
	"JPEG (*.JPG)" + TAB + "*.jpg" + CR + "BMP (*.BMP)" + TAB + "*.gif")
<Result> = fImageSelect(<Initial directory> , <File selected by default> , <Selector title> [, <Types of files> [, <Option>]])
<Result>: Character string
  • Full name of the selected file. If multiple files are selected, the names of the selected files are separated by Carriage Returns (CR).
  • Empty string ("") if no file was selected.
<Initial directory>: Character string
Full or relative path of the initial directory (up to 260 characters). This directory name may (or may not) end with "\". The files found in this directory are displayed in the image picker.
If this parameter is an empty string (""), the initial directory will be the current directory.
  • This parameter can be in Ansi or Unicode format.
  • From Windows 7 onwards, the operating system may not respect this directory, particularly if it has memorized a more convenient location based on the user's previous choices.
<File selected by default>: Character string
Name and extension of the file selected by default. If this parameter is an empty string (""), no file will be selected by default.
Windows This parameter can be in Ansi or Unicode format.
<Selector title>: Character string
Caption displayed in the title bar of the image picker. If this parameter is an empty string (""), the title of the current WINDEV window will be displayed.
Windows This parameter can be in Ansi or Unicode format.
<Types of files>: Optional character string
Description of types of files that can be selected. This description has the following format:
<Types Fichiers> + TAB + <Liste Extensions>
[ + RC + <Types Fichiers 2> + TAB + <Liste Extensions 2>]

  • <Types Files>: character string describing the type of file ("BMP (*.BMP;*.RLE)" for example).
  • <List Extensions>: extensions corresponding to the described type ("*.BMP;*.RLE" for example).
For example:
"BMP (*.BMP;*.RLE)"+TAB+"*.BMP;*.RLE"+RC+"Icône (*.ICO)"+TAB+"*.ICO"+RC+
Windows This parameter can be in Ansi or Unicode format.
<Option>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Options that must be taken into account:
fPathUNICODE<Result> will be a Unicode string (by default, fImageSelect returns an Ansi string).
fSelMultiOpens the file picker in multi-selection mode. The user can select several image files by pressing the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys.

Selecting directories

fImageSelect is used to select image files. To select a directory, use fSelectDir.

Opening mode of the image picker

Only the "Open" button is displayed in the image picker. In order for the "Save" button to be displayed in the image picker, fSelect and fGraphicFilter must be combined (see the example of fGraphicFilter).
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd290std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Exemplo fImageSelect
Exemplo fImageSelect

sFile is string
sFile = fImageSelect("c:\MATWIN14\", "", "Seleciona Uma Imagen", "Bmp" + TAB + "*.bmp" + CR + "Gif" + TAB + "*.gif" + CR + "Jpg" + TAB + "*.jpg")
//Blog com Video e Exemplo

07 Sep. 2016

Last update: 05/04/2024

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