Help / WLanguage / Errors / Unavailable functions
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  • WLanguage functions
  • WLanguage functions
  • WLanguage functions
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Unavailable functions and properties
This help page presents the functions, types and properties that are no longer available in given versions of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile.
This page allows you to access the latest documentation available.
In this page, you will find:
WLanguage functions
Functions specific to HFSQL remote access are no longer available starting with version 28.
List of unavailable functions (click the links to see the documentation of the previous versions):
<Source>.SetRemoteAccessOpens an HFSQL Classic analysis remotely.
HConnectRemoteAccessOpens an HFSQL Classic analysis remotely (this function is equivalent to the second syntax of HOpenAnalysis).
HSetRemoteAccessOpens an HFSQL Classic analysis remotely.
WLanguage functions
The following Windows Mobile-specific functions and properties are not available starting with version 27.
Windows Mobile, Windows CE and Windows Embedded are no longer supported by Microsoft, but are still used in the industrial field.
To continue developing for Windows Mobile, you must use version 26. Version SaaS gives you access to version 26, which can be downloaded here.
List of unavailable functions (click the links to see the documentation of the previous versions):
cdbAddAdds a record in memory to a data file (standard database of the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database).
cdbCancelSearchCancels the current search criteria (standard database of the Mobile Device or ".CDB" database).
cdbCloseCloses a database (".CDB" file) previously opened with cdbOpen.
cdbColReturns a characteristic of a column in the current record (value, type, identifier or name) in a standard database of the Mobile Device or in a ".CDB" database.
cdbDateTimeToIntegerConverts a DateTime variable to a value compatible with a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer).
cdbDeleteDeletes the current record or the specified record from the data file.
cdbFoundChecks whether the current record corresponds to the current search.
cdbIntegerToDateTimeConverts the value of a Date and Time column (unsigned 8-byte integer) to a DateTime variable.
cdbListFileReturns the list of data files from a CEDB database.
cdbModifyModifies the specified record or the record in memory in the data file.
cdbNbColReturns the number of columns of the record in memory.
cdbNbRecReturns the number of records in a data file.
cdbOpenOpens a database (".CDB" file) on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cdbOutDetermines if the record on which the position must be set is outside the file.
cdbReadReads a record in a file according to a given record number.
cdbReadFirstSets the position on the first record of a data file and reads it.
cdbReadLastSets the position on the last record of a data file and reads it.
cdbReadNextSets the position on the next record of a data file and reads it.
cdbReadPreviousSets the position on the previous record of a data file and reads it.
cdbReadSeekSets the position on the first record of a data file whose value for a specific column is equal to a search value (exact-match search).
cdbRecNumReturns the number of the current record in a data file.
cdbResetReinitializes all the variables in one of the standard database structures of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
cdbWriteColModifies the value of a column for a record in memory.
ceConnectConnects the current computer to a Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceConnectionStatusUsed to get the connection status between the current computer and a Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceCopyFileCopies one or more files:
  • from the current computer to the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
  • from the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC) to the current computer.
  • from the connected Mobile Device (Pocket PC) to another directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceCreateShortcutCreates a shortcut on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDeleteFileDeletes a file from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDeleteShortcutDeletes a shortcut previously created with ceCreateShortcut
ceDirSearches for a file or directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceDisconnectCloses the connection between the current computer and the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceFileDateReturns or modifies the different dates associated with a file (date created, modified or accessed).
ceFileExistChecks whether a given file is on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceFileSizeReturns the size (in bytes) of a file on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceFileTimeReturns or modifies the different times associated with a file (time created, modified or accessed). This file is on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceListFileReturns the number of files in a given directory (and its subdirectories). The directory is on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceMachineNameReturns the name of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceMakeDirCreates a directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceOEMInfoReturns the OEM information of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cePlatformReturns the name of the platform for the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
cePowerStatusUsed to get various information about the main or secondary battery of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceProcessorTypeReturns the type of processor on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryCreateKeyCreates a key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryDeleteKeyDeletes a subkey from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryDeleteValueDeletes a value from the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryExistChecks whether a given key is in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryFirstSubKeyIdentifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryListValueReturns the name (and possibly the type) of the values for a registry key of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryNextKeyIdentifies the key found after the specified key in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistryQueryValueReads a value in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistrySetValueWrites a value to the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRegistrySubKeyIdentifies the path of the Nth subkey in the registry of the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRemoveDirDeletes a directory from the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceRunExeExecutes a program (an executable file, for example) from the current application. The program is run on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceSysDirReturns the path of a system directory on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceWindowsVersionReturns information about the Windows version used on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceWinEnumLists the Windows windows currently open on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
ceWinTitleReturns the title of the specified Windows window.
ceXResReturns the horizontal resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
ceYResReturns the vertical resolution of the screen on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) connected to the current computer.
InPocketModeIndicates whether the code is run:
  • from a WINDEV Mobile application.
  • from a WINDEV application, from a WEBDEV site or from a PHP application.
RecorderEndEventDeletes the associations established with RecorderEvent:
  • the button used to start the recorder is disabled.
  • the call to the procedure used to notify the end of recording is canceled.
RecorderEventAllows you to define a key to start the recorder on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC) and specify the procedure to be called at the end of the recording.
SIMDeleteDeletes an entry from the SIM card directory.
SIMNbContactReturns the number of entries in the SIM card directory.
SIMReadReads an entry from the SIM card directory.
SIMWriteWrites to or modifies an entry in the SIM card directory.
SIPListReturns the list of keyboard types available on the Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
SIPModeAllows you to:
  • identify the current keyboard.
  • change the current keyboard.
SysListScreenOrientationUsed to get the orientations of the screen on a Mobile Device (Pocket PC).
tapiChangeDeviceParameterModifies the parameters of a telephony device. The device to which tapiChangeDeviceParameter is applied must have been selected with tapiDevice
tapiDeviceParameterReads the value of one of the parameters of a telephony device. The device to which tapiDeviceParameter is applied must have been selected with tapiDevice
WinSystemButtonModifies the type of the system button displayed in the title bar of a window.

List of unavailable properties (click the links to see the documentation of the previous versions):
InputModeThe InputMode property gets and sets the input mode on a Smartphone (Windows Mobile). This property has no effect on the other types of mobile devices.
WLanguage functions
Starting with version 25, the following WLanguage functions are no longer available (click the links to see the documentation of the previous versions).
GglFillAlbumFills a Google Picasa album with the data corresponding to the requested options.
GglFillPhotoRetrieves the details about the photos found in a Google Picasa album: initial image, comments, tags, thumbnails.
GglGetAlbumRetrieves a Google Picasa album.
GglListAlbumRetrieves the list of "Google Picasa" albums available to the user.
GglListPhotoLists the photos found in the Google Picasa albums corresponding to specific criteria.
  • the list of tags associated with a Google client account.
  • the list of tags associated with a Google Picasa album.
  • the list of tags associated with a photo found in a Google Picasa album.
Starting with version 25, the following variable types are no longer available:
gglAlbumThe gglAlbum type is used to create and modify a Google Picasa album.
gglCommentThe gglComment type is used to define the comment of a photo from a Google Picasa album.
gglEXIFTagThe gglEXIFTag type is used to define and modify the EXIF tags associated with a photo from a Google Picasa album.
gglMediaContentThe gglMediaContent type is used to get the details of the original image of a photo from a Picasa album
gglMediaGroupThe gglMediaGroup type is used to define additional information about a photo or album from Google Picasa.
gglPhotoThe gglPhoto type is used to create and modify a photo from a Google Picasa album.
gglTagThe gglTag type is used to define and modify a tag associated with an album or photo from Google Picasa.
gglThumbnailThe gglMediaGroup type is used to define additional information about a photo or album from Google Picasa.
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 08/24/2023

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